Fuck Obama for chumping out. Motherfucker sold us out because he didn't want to tarnish his legacy. He bet wrong and we're all the more fucked for it. I hope he's happy.
Fuck Obama for chumping out. Motherfucker sold us out because he didn't want to tarnish his legacy. He bet wrong and we're all the more fucked for it. I hope he's happy.
Again, I don’t have to. I’ll be dead. Now, my kids? They’re screwed. They’re screwed with a Biden administration and a Trump administration. I’ve been starting to research the chance of moving away from the US before I croak.
The DNC is calling for this to be the end. Pelosi, Schumer et al are calling for this to be the end. A return to normalcy, even though the Democrats’ platform today is to the right of Eisenhower.
Yes, he’s running against someone at the far right of the Overton window because Democrats have been trying to nominate pseudo-Republicans for the last 20 years. Why should I start caring now, when your nominees have led us to two terms of Bush and one (so far) of Trump?
Biden may not be in touch with most Democratic voters, but he at least seems open to listening. Maybe his team can push policy further left. Even Obama had his views on marriage equality “evolve.”
And that would be different how?
What did the lying Democrats say throughout the primary...I think it was “vote blue, no matter who”. Now, as someone that is trying to remove Trump from office, which makes more sense - picking a candidate to the left, who is bue, no matter who, that will definitely get all of the progressive votes plus all of you…
“Justice” Thomas votes for Trump and Anita Hill votes for Biden. The ultimate irony!
LOL no
Gore. Kerry. Hillary. Biden. ONE battle? Are you high? The reason Trump even exists as a possibility is because of Democrats continuing to lose by running centrists.
Fuck you. Because he’s not in touch with most Democratic voters, he either 1) won’t listen to them if he wins or 2) will lose like every other piece of centrist trash the Democrats have nominated this millennium. Either way, what’s in it for anyone that’s actually liberal?
He’s got her vote, why the hell would he work with her on anything? This is why you need to put the screws to politicians during primary season, these discussions need to be held ahead of giving anyone anything.
“I write bestselling novels,” Octavia Butler wrote on the inside cover of a notebook in 1988. 32 years later, that…
In eternally unrepentant, yet guilt and shame riddled, white supremacist America, can there exist a worse curse? To fully and inescapably know the hideous depth of the historical sins that go with being white, and wish with all one’s heart to escape one’s connection to them and be black? And to also have now an abiding…
Ugh, that’s terrible. Fellow therapist and have been hearing the same from other colleagues at counseling centers too. I can’t think of too many setups which better facilitate COVID transmission than therapy- sitting close to another person (or persons) speaking for an hour in a cozy room with little ventilation.…
From the slimy, conniving, backstabbing, racist, British “statesman” Winston Churchill:
As a Bernie voter, I’m no happier about this than you are. But it’s going to be a hell of a lot easier to lean on Biden/Harris to do the progressive stuff we want than it would be to get Trump/Pence to do the same, and these are our only options.
Except Bernie doesn’t want Joe Biden as president. He just wants Trump to NOT be president. Joe Biden ain’t pushing shit. He even straight up said that “nothing will fundamentally change”
Have you ever even spoke to a Bernie supporter? It was never about Bernie. It was about his policies. And if he’s not the guy running and Joe refuses to take up those same policies, why the hell would a Bernie supporter vote for him?