
That’s my gut reaction seeing the lead gif, but after reading the story I’m less sympathetic. Did you watch the video of their previous match? Read Philpot’s tweet? It’s not like Bradley did this to some random opponent, Philpot had been taunting him for a while and there is basically a 100% chance Philpot had some

Depends what happens in the playoffs. If the Spurs win a title a lot of that stuff takes backseat. Even though it shouldn’t, really, because the playoffs are not part of the MVP voting process.

I don’t know anything about his personal life, because I don’t read anything about these guys or watch interviews or anything like that. But I see a lot in how he carries himself on the court and know how much Pop loves him.

I’ve never heard him speak a word that I remember.

Well, Kyrie finally convinced me that the Earth is flat, because if this really were a spherical planet he took enough steps on that play to circumnavigate the motherfucker.

“These people have awful names.”

+1 for the save!

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Vitale is unwatchable for me.

Only difference is that Jordan usually follows that by muttering to himself “I can still take him, though”

shoutout to Vivek Ranadive for his Michael Jordan-esque scouting of college players, in which he sometimes watches the NCAA tournament and says “oh that guy looks pretty good let’s go get him”

Michigan people absolutely love this man. I’m going to defer to them.

Indeed! All because, after going undrafted, he came to a fork in the road, and he took it.

What planet do you live on? Barkley called LeBron out for being a bitch and then LeBron proved he was a bitch by calling out Barkley for his gambling problem. Nuance? Give me a fucking break. LeBron is a petulant child.

No one’s tuning into that program to hear what Shaq has to say, though. Takeless.

And none of the charisma or personality

They don’t want to go to the White House anyway.

I’m a good boy. Please stop asking if Donald Trump is a good boy. I don’t know who else is a good boy. Just throw the damn ball.

You have to admit, though, that cutting a hamburger in half is pretty prissy. AND it smooshes the bun.