
I think he totally had cancer and was going through chemo.

Been to Cleveland it is and always will be a dump. I am a refugee. I tire of hearing how everything is on the come up. It isn’t it never will be. You elect a guy like Kasich you allow guys like Gilbert to sell adjustable rates all over the midwest things are never going to get better. I remember the Cleveland

The Cavs owner is still Dan Gilbert, the governor of Ohio is still John Kasich. Ohio voted for Trump and Cleveland is and always will be a dump. From where I sit the Warriors win just by not being in the cesspool that is Ohio.

Eh there is pretty positive research out there New Hampshire found a 28% reduction in head collisions. Fractures may happen but I am not sure they are worse than the heavy concussions, they are sort of a a different problem. It isn’t just the big hits that are beating guys up it is the constant small head hits that

Two guys with their head down. I just don’t see it, he saw the hit coming and lowered, and got the shoulder pad. If the defender when high he’d be the one with the helmet in the chin. The problem is the helmets, take them off and neither is lowering the head.

Naaah, the problem is it is with the shoulder and the offensive player had his head lowered which means if he went in high he would have been the one beheaded. I mean it sucks but that was a play that just happens. People love offensive players but two guys had their head down on the play and one won.