“Titans of capital pit workers against each other,” for the first time, ever...
“Titans of capital pit workers against each other,” for the first time, ever...
Should cover a bus ticket out of northern Florida...
So does California.
In the immortal words of Freddy Kruger, “Help yourself, fucker”.
Pro tip: when you type words here, other people can read them, so try to only express intelligent or interesting thoughts or concepts.
Very pathetic. Sad!
What an asshole. Get a life, Raab.
Well, currently no one takes him seriously except the insane and radical- it just turns out there’s an awful lot of them. Anything bad happens to him they’ll blame on decent Americans, that’s true, and he’ll be a martyr to some no matter what. To me, however, suicide- perhaps sepuku- is the most dignified end possible…
If their business is incorporated, they may well legally be the CEO. It’s a legal term, basically.
On the bright side, perhaps he’ll hang himself.
The IOC is just too greedy and short-sighted to Sweden the deal when it’s well within their means to do so. The committee sees how much the bids are, Denmarks them up by half or more just because they can. Norway we want them in California, either!
The Brady Bunch covered this in the 70's. Might have been a clothes washer, but still...
what a gas
the accidental fascist. he’s manifesting all the signs seemingly by instinct. if he were trying to do fascism on purpose it would be veiled better- or at all.
+1 gin blossom
No, you’re a major fucking dupe who doesn’t understand labor markets at all.
Tomsula II: The Tomsuling
No one ever accused him of being smart.
Having the option to be generous with someone who just did you a service is too much for you? Their long gone by the time you’re deciding whether to tip you know. Do you know that?
dumb take is dumb. learn a book.