My phone's burner account

So pissed that Cohen is doing CNNNYE. He’s such a bitch, and not in a fun Kathy Griffin way.

I’m a doctor (PhD in Health Behavior and Health Education) and cancer researcher who has worked on studies about increasing HPV vaccination rates. For what it’s worth, you CAN get the vaccine if you’re over 26. I think that 26 is a fairly arbitrary number where they’re hoping to get women before they’re exposed to

People have always disdained romance. I say “people” because a percentage of women do it as well to show they’re serious minded.

I had the same reaction when I read this review—it seemed like he asked someone to give him a list of some popular romances from last century, then made a bunch of assumptions based on a quick perusal of them. His EL James comment gave him away as someone who has not read much in the genre. His “two bucket” theory is

From the excerpts provided, I would expect that Gottlieb’s piece was written around about 1980. Cartland, Steele? Most contemporaries focus on marrying ‘the boss?’ It appears that he felt that he could authoritatively write about an entire genre based on assumptions from popular culture and reading a couple of books

Dude, the whole time i was reading that I was like “yeah, but what about her going out on a limb dating you?” I dunno, it rubbed me the wrong way because he wasn’t considering for a second that dating him might not be easy either.

“There’s nothing at stake” is just another way of saying female pleasure and desire, and romantic relationships told from a female perspective, are simply not important. If the themes in romance novels were important, then it would be important to see how the novels approach or treat these themes. Since the treatment

First guy is worried that his girlfriend, who learned to speak Korean, might have a problem hanging out with Asians...

Yeah fuck not getting your boss involved; that dick needs to be fired.

I’m endlessly amazed at the particular type of man who seems to simultaneously gloat about how men can get sex at any time these days while lamenting the declining marriage rate (and blaming it on women usually).

So you like being able to sleep around but are dismayed women don’t want to marry you? What kind of life


Still plenty of time to acknowledge the death going forward.

Harry has always been The Cute One.

alert, alert! never thought i’d say this but harry is officially the handsomer of the royals.

And I want to be very clear that my boundary is no objects. Absolutely and without question.

But probably not in the same way your female partner does, which, I think, is the point of this post.

“I’m sorry that there are very few films from women this year, but we are not producing films.”

Festivals were set up for indie filmmakers to find distributors. The full film is submitted to a panel in the hopes of getting accepted for exhibition so whether or not a trailer exists for the public is completely irrelevant to the process. 

So I used to agree with the first paragraph of this essay but thanks to the Ladies Trump I guess I don’t anymore?