
Michigan has a sweet weed bill (a dozen plants and 10oz), anti-gerrymandering, and voting on the ballot this year. 

Power companies generally don’t compete, and demand isn’t very price-elastic. Paired with price regulation on the power utilities (ie you can’t raise your price more than 5%, half of this increase must be reinvested in alternative energy sources) you might see the desired outcome. 

A carbon tax doesn’t necessarily reduce carbon emissions, especially in markets where demand isn’t price-elastic, and there is significant lock-in. This could be like home power generation, where consumer behavior doesn’t change much, and they can’t switch. The company just passes the burden to consumers and moves on.

I switch from 25 dollar bottles of champagne down to the 12 dollar bottles of cooks. 

It’s not cheap in general - especially if a portion of this tax goes to fossil fuel alternative research and development. You could even go so far as to incentivize polluters to invest in alternative fuel by providing “shares” under a cap-and-trade scheme.

Tax credits and subsidies for low-income people disproportionately affected by the tax. If the cost of food goes up by 10%, just increase the wealth transfer to these people by 10%. 

It actually doesn’t go both ways, especially when what is being described is sexism by the men to the woman. This is men who feel threatened by a woman being direct with them and they are pushing back. These men would act differently if a man was saying it to them. 

Having lived in Toledo and Cincinnati, and traveled most of western Ohio for work (i was a tobacco sales rep), I can tell you from experience that the nicer the McDonald’s, the shittier the town. Some of the most ass-backwards places, like Defiance, Napoleon, and everything between Dayton and Toledo, have magnificent

Only an idiot would leave their fate up to 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty. Pick the bench trial.

Age requirements probably don’t work, because SCJ opinions have shown to get better over time. If you set it to 75, and most justices aren’t hitting the bench until 55-60, you are expecting to replace each justice every 15 years, or about a justice every other year. 

I think just knowing that it’s an active tracking attempt rather than something else, like a graphic in an email signature or something. Or the ability to block tracking pixels but not graphics in an email as needed? 

want my T5 C30? 115k miles.

Athletic shorts, depending on your undergarment of choice (or lack thereof), leave nothing to the imagination. Especially if you wear thin joggers from H&M compared to thicker Nike basketball shorts. Kids are probably showing a lot of dong, either for fun or just because they are lazy and don’t want to put on pants. 

tell us about the time that the mean ink man fired u

Tracking calories or other macros is definitely part of a healthy habit, and the long-term effect is that you become more conscious to what you put in your body regularly.

I agree, but “not trying to rape people throughout your entire life” is a reasonable requirement for a supreme court judge. People who commit crimes can and do change, and criminal acts shouldn’t preclude you from having a life later on.

Fajitas also fall into this - have to make them yourself!

I use the grinder on my espresso machine to make drip coffee, just put it on the coarsest setting. I’m lazy. 

Am I to believe, based on (2), that ravel is a synonym for unravel?

The only Nike stuff I buy from a Nike store is the shoes - just my Metcons and Romaleos. Full retail for Nike shorts and shirts is like 50 bucks, fuck that if I’m just sweating in it.