Studies show the latter that you mention are healthy if they are first taped to your hands.
Studies show the latter that you mention are healthy if they are first taped to your hands.
I’m impressed by Pauly as well. He parties and whatever, but its nothing if not true to form. I wonder what his hair looks like down though.
How I Met Your Mother as well. but that show was just new friends anyway
My wife is grossed out by caesar dressing that has anchovies in it because ??? so I either lie to her about dressings and say they don’t have it or buy her the vegan/vegetarian stuff that has nutritional yeast.
So is the preferred outcome that people don’t get the procedure that would improve their quality of life? The ethics complaint is a symptom to the larger problem, that there’s people that can’t afford access to healthcare.
She doesn’t coerce them, though. These are people who can’t afford this kind of treatment which probably isn’t covered by their insurance, and having their cyst on instagram gets them free treatment. I think Jezebel has even discussed this in the past.
Mayo is an awesome condiment. It’s not dead, it’s just called aioli now.
122k:84.6k on that Diddy tweet - ratio checks out, is a good tweet.
Democrats are running effectively on more-progressive platforms than the past, and it’s pushing things left. Here in MI, Gretchen Whitmer would have been described as a radical lefty a year or so ago, but her platform is surprisingly mainstream.
From my time running a REIT, a single-family house you rent out at $1,500 should have a note at $750, at the most up to $1,000 if everything is new on the property, like roof and appliances, and all utilities are fully passed through to the tenant.
Honestly not sure how SHS is crushing it like she is against Pence. SHS might be an evil obstructionist mouthpiece for the evil cheeto diaper boy, but she’s just that - a mouthpiece. Pence does things and impacts people with his decisions, and has in the past.
He can go to court to get it lowered. 10% is standard money for child support, and realistically he’s making more than what he says to the court anyway, since rich people always find ways to “make less” on their taxes.
I work in sales - my main client base is tech companies and ad agencies (especially digital marketing). There’s a lot to be said about the issues women face in tech, but it’s getting better (slowly, but surely). The agency side hasn’t changed much.
I can’t tell if this post is serious or not, but I love it either way. It needs a lot of stars.
Think about the more likely scenario here - players on long contracts (they’ve been at their club for 5+ years, in the league for at least 5 more) that are starting to decline get shipped off to other teams so they can find new, performing players in the midst. It gives additional leverage to players in any…
were you the guy at the other table
And I got annoyed when I couldn’t expense a bar tab anymore...
They probably don’t fraction their currency like we do.
That last link should go to fleshbot, not fleshlight
Visited houston a couple months back, was incredibly impressed. Amazing food, great drinks, cool museums and things. Would go again.