
“A standard 3% fee applies when sending money using a credit card. The fee is waived for Authorized Merchant Payments, Venmo balance, bank accounts and debit cards so they are free to use.” - from the Settings page of Venmo.

Get two debit cards for your checking account and link those instead, it’ll work. 

Free felons should be allowed to vote. You served your time, so you have your rights restored. It’s as simple as that.

Bose SoundSport Pulse

You may be a prime candidate for a Charge card then - I’m a big fan of my amex platinum. I have 3 cards today:

This is obvious, and this trend will continue as long as money continues to buy votes, along with the systemic disenfranchisement of poor people. Voter suppression, from outright suppression to more insidious means (keeping voting to only one day, not making it mandatory to allow citizens to vote, making it harder to

Politics, for as divisive as it can be domestically, has always generally stopped at the water’s edge. There are warhawks and non-interventionists on both sides, for very different reasons.

This is attributable to workers. People sometimes think of the economy as some amorphous concept, but it isn’t. It’s people doing things to make money to feed their families.

Just got through our wedding, and instead of registering for any China, we splurged on nice everyday flatware and table settings. Rose Gold flatware (my wife’s favorite) for 16, and service for 12 from West Elm with all the plates and bowls.

Put on headphones, put a note on your office door, tell your admin to not let people into your office, lock yourself in a quiet conference room, whatever. It’s not hard to get privacy, even in an open office. 

What’s the most expensive piece of equipment in your kitchen? Has it made your life better? I have a full set of All-Clad pots and pans, and yes, it does make your life better. It heats better and more evenly, and is more resilient than any other 2-ply or 3-ply, normal stainless, or anything else. Clean it with soap

I have owned a king bed since I got my first college apartment, and you will pry it from my dead body. I will buy three burial plots so I can have a king coffin.

The root’s description of jezebel’s beckys(ies?)/rebeccas will forever be one of the most accurate things on kinja

Skyline is good, goetta is kind of weird for a while, larosas is by far the best shitty pizza chain

I will eat 3-4 Sausage McGriddles, a large coffee, and a large ice water to get rid of a hangover. In college, I didn’t eat because I was nauseous, and it prolonged my hangovers. Today, it’s all about getting food in me ASAP and keeping it down.

I’ll take an ungreying, if possible. While my reasoned takes are best suited for a HamNo post on Splinter, I have strong emotions about foods, and am likely to post while hungry at my desk.

My office has a sludge machine. There are these....bags of extremely concentrated coffee sludge, and you press a button and either get coffee or espresso, I guess?

Move to Florida! The closer you get to the equator, the closer your days are to a 12/12 split of daytime and nighttime.

You could do something about it. You could vote for people of color in political office, you could donate money to organizations that support racial issues, you could hire and promote POCs in your company, you could even educate yourself.