
Dominos is actually a good value. I wouldn’t call it great pizza, leave that to the quality pizza establishments you can find locally.

In truth, there’s really nothing wrong with outsourcing “Walmart manufacturing” to other countries, and it’s good in theory. Trade allows for labor diversification, which means that people can focus on what they are best at, increasing overall production (and consumption, because in the long run,

When HipHop Nation on SiriusXM was announcing him for first alerts and new music, it was Ex-Ex-Ex-Ten-Tayshun

Men need to get down to 8-10% body fat to really get quality, defined abs, women need to be around 15%. Getting that cut, and staying cut, is hard, especially when you have to bulk to build muscle continuously.

Milwaukee is awesome, Indianapolis less so. Milwaukee > Philly > Cinti > Indy > Detroit > Cleveland

Gold has lots of real, practical applications! And investment value.

Rotated 90 degrees, with the flat face into the rest of the document.

It came up that he was a huge proponent of J Crew

Don’t forget Altria, who did it first during a nice rebranding from Philip Morris.

Do you have an issue with telemedicine? My insurance plan has an option for those online doctors, it’s great.

Grey* duck

Point well-taken on the median/mean issue. I do, however, take issue with the liquidity of the assets that the ultra-rich hold.

Depends on the business, I guess? Maybe the person works an evening shift, or a job with late hours, like an east coast business and you exclusively service west-coast clients, so you work like 11-8?

If the job description is well-written, it should have those requisite skills and capabilities listed. Your other option is to do this as part of the interview process.

BOAT: Break Out Another Thousand. If you live around Boat Clubs, use those. They aren’t cheap, but are probably cheaper than my boating habit.

My job can suck, but it bought me a boat. Boats are fun!!!

LW1: Are you sure this is the only job you could do, ever, and you’ll always be paid this? America (assuming here, but Canada, UK probably fit too) is a big country, full of companies. You have no job security because there are lots of people willing to do the job that you do, which means that there are probably lots

Shop your mortgage around to multiple lenders, work with your local credit unions and banks, etc.

Wood tip wines are the best, your take is terrible. It is harder to freak a wood tip though.

I think we are discussing 2 different issues here. Bank runs were mitigated by the FDIC, in that even if a bank goes under (for example, if you bank at a very small, local bank that goes under), your money is still insured, and you don’t lose it forever.