
NBC, MTV, Discovery all have the non traditional workplace agreements. It’s stupid to think that this meant you can hook up. Because the description paragraph directly below talks about the content you’re working on.

If me trying to be decent makes myself the butt of your joke, it’s a great way to make me not try any longer. You can laugh at me all you want, but this type of thing hurts your cause. If you can’t see that, then I really will stop trying to be a good person and start to just worry about mine.

Most gun deaths in this country happen outside of mass shootings.

Scumbag? I don’t think that is fair. He declined an award because he disagrees with the entity supplying it, as is his right.

Or maybe he’s a fucking idiot that got wasted, forgot he ordered food, and pointed a gun in the face of a girl delivering his food.

The warrant was obtained in February right after the incident.

Everyone with nothing better to do sure. She dressed up as Aaliyah for a photo. That doesn’t turn her into the anti-Christ.

Old guy screws up an old ass analogy, and now he’s a racist.

Yeah it was definitely Joe Maddon and not the fact that our bats were basically silent against the Dodgers and every bounce went not our way 🙄🙄🙄

Will always enjoy the Deadspin staff thinking they are somehow above the Barstool staff. The moral superiority is hysterical.

This will not be well received, but: One of the most damaging part of left-wing dialogue, I feel, is using insults that “in normal circumstances” wouldn’t be insults, but are allowed to be insults when you lob them at ideological opponents. It happens all the time with stuff like “Stephen Miller is ugly” or “alt-right

Deadspin office probably celebrating like the Hulk Hogan verdict got overturned right now

Only to all the crybaby dumbasses that read this bullshit. The author needs a collar and leash. And ball gag.

I think one of the main reasons people get drawn to Barstool is because of the “Holier than thou” bullshit that sites like Deadspin spew. I truly don’t know how people can go through life bitching and moaning about off color humor sites like Barstool. Quit taking yourselves so fucking serious, you aren’t that

Deadspin has a very similar background to barstool that these articles refuse to acknowledge. There are certainly some instances where barstool has continued to be pretty borderline on content, bringing up pieces written 3-5 years ago is pretty disingenuous when deadspin has plenty of that in their history. While you

Yup. I’ll admit up front that I have no stats to back the second part of this up (I’m not sure there’s a way to collect stats to back this up), but my gut feeling is this:

Man, Deadspin is just chomping at the bit to get something on Barstool, but mostly just playing into their trolling of hysterical liberal reactions.

Mansplaining is a thing... but it is also a term that is thrown around so frequently in online discussions to try and shut down a guy with an unpopular opinion (no matter how valid) as to be rapidly loosing its usefulness.

Of course.

Relegating PMT as stereotype 2011 Barstool is either intentionally misleading or flatout head-in-the-sand ignorance. It is funny, current, popular and desirable. Please don’t try to paint over Deadspin’s jealousy with a coat of “ESPN desperation”; this is a smart, forward-thinking move (even if it fails). Deadspin