it’s a Gawker post about a post on the social media platform for mouth breathers. What exactly did you expect?
Here: His son is the worst part of rich kids of beverly hills
it’s a Gawker post about a post on the social media platform for mouth breathers. What exactly did you expect?
Here: His son is the worst part of rich kids of beverly hills
Please stop with the Trump blog.
Mark Jackson and Van Gundy were disgusting last night. They were practically squealing like little gender neutrals anointing LeBron the champion but there is no way that those shots consistently refuse to drop for 3 more games. There’s also no way JR Smith puts up such a competent game like that for another 3. The…
yeah, or maybe 10,000 days being a figurehead rolled out everywhere while his handlers and family cash in on his name is long enough, and it’s time for Ali to go home. We don’t need him to pull the John Paul II act and suffer in public anymore. Ali will always be the greatest, and 60s/70s Ali is immortal. What is left…
corporations can do whatever they want, no government regulations on business, socialized medicine and an internet cleansed of “trigger words” and sanitized to a “safe space” for the ruling party?
Open your eyes, China is America’s best business partner because it’s capitalism in it’s final form
Yeaaaa. All the hot shit America talks about loving freedom and supporting freedom goes right out the window when the slavemasters in Beijing snap their fingers. If American companies didn’t do what the government says, if they weren’t basically partners to the professional gang that runs the totalLibertarian…
i’ve spent the evening casually downscrolling on gawker and being transfixed by those eyes. those eyes. they scream: “I studied law because nobody would respect me in any other circumstance”. so did his actions with handcuffing the lawyer.
but those eyes. so transfixing
i think you lose your “indie game” title when you get pre orders from buying it at gamestop.
I hadn’t heard of the story until I saw Ken Starr’s name and then when I realized it was THAT Ken Starr I was all
so the king of ESPN Twitter spontaneously stumbled upon a Twitter friendly encounter? I’m sure this wasn’t the Ryan brothers doing a solid during the NFL downtime at all. Totally not staged. Freely spontaneous, because, Rovell’s life is that amazing.
I never thought i’d so vigorously star a post about cutting dongs off
bingo. I have a Xbox One and a PC full of steam games, and I just play whichever platform is best suited to the title. Plus, I am married, so, when my wife says, I want the living room TV, and I’m playing Fallout 4, I just switch to my PC with it’s own copy of Fallout 4 and domestic bliss is maintained
Obligatory objection from an actual Bostonian:
I believe you don’t get to call yourself a Boston sports fan when you flew into the city just to watch LeBron beat the shit out of the Celtics - and you wrote a column talking about how you were cheering him on.
I believe you don’t get to claim to know the pulse of the…
are you serious? he’s going to make more money than he EVER has running his mouth about stuff your Uncle wishes he could say but is afraid to or the colored folk might beat his ass
I mean, I love my Xbox One and I am a huge fan of Windows 10, but I can’t help but think to myself, it’s a total waste of time to get invested in any new thing Microsoft is doing because they murder anything they aren’t already making money on a year or two after starting it.
Listen, Schill is everyone’s crazy Uncle. He is the antithesis of Takei, who is everyone’s cool gay Uncle. Both are essential.
One of the beautiful things about using a burner is that I can tell stories like this: Mine was my first Cousin. We live on the other side of the country from the entire rest of our family,…
I would have called the cops when he started dropping F bombs. You can’t treat minimum wage employees with that kind of disrespect. Yeah, it’s bad customer service, but what do you expect when you’re going to a chain store staffed by high school kids trying to save up enough for the latest Call of Duty? if you want…
it’s almost like... the title... is a hot take? meant to generate press through manufactured controversy? I dare you to read it again without Skip Bayless smug eyes appearing in your head
We got to get back to calling bullshit publicity stunts bullshit publicity stunts. too many people making money manipulating…
maybe twitter can finally die like it should. or maybe the greater masses will realize that twitter is just a controversy generator for free promotion. Maybe people will realize that Beyonce and Jay’s “relationship problems” are just ways to get her name on the front page of stuff without her paying a dime.
I was pretty Marvel’d out leading up to this film so I ended up just googling a spoiler recap rather than paying to go. I am glad I saved my money. The Marvel movies now exist solely as a means to promote further Marvel movies. Nothing changes. My social media feeds consisted almost entirely of “BE CAREFUL THERE ARE…