*Dusts off his Reel Big Fish CD*
they elected Sherriff Joe. They didn’t want the Diamondbacks.
They put that stadium to vote twice, voters shot it down, then the government decided to finance it anyway. Things smoothed over when the Dbacks bought themselves a championship with Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling, but I was growing up in Phoenix at the…
This is Pakistan - by Go Kart track you mean, car bomb testing facility
it’s better than another Trump article
Dude, thank you so much for this, I thoroughly enjoyed that highlight reel. I am an NBA die hard who couldn’t care less about soccer, but this looks like the best of both
I have it on both Xbox and PC, and I haven’t played the Xbox version nearly as much because of the fact that I can’t use console commands to delete her. It is IMMENSELY satisfying to put those two complainers out of their misery permanently
show up, make the fans have hope, never get anywhere, retire young, get endorsements for the rest of your life. Not a bad gig, if you can land it
how bout no
this beard thing has got to stop. it’s more played out than Panda. It’s more played out than Trump. It’s more played out than people under 50 voluntarily having grey hair. It’s more played out than women shaving the sides of their head. It’s more played out than turquoise hair. It’s more played out than the ideas I…
4 word answer: mind your own business
gee, it’s almost like the title and the content of the article are meant to offend Yankees fans and generate schaudenfraude clicks!
yeah, because gender is the only qualification that we should consider. never mind smart, good for america choices, as long as they have vaginas and fill in demographic promises they are good.
This focus group thinking will lose her the election. Kaine is the smart choice, but so are running Trump ads attacking his…
4. that meme is played out like a motherf***er
you mean, mahky mahk said a thing that generated controversy to get his show in the news shortly before it premiered it’s second season tonight? Jeeze, it’s almost like people make shit up to get free social media promotion!
JUSSAYIN: Trump was only ever going to get a Pub to stand next to him who was like “better than Hillary”. They will toe the party line. The Berniebros out there like “never hillary”, they won’t be roped back in no matter how progressive Hills gets with her pick. They will stay home or vote for Trizzle
it’s a brilliant political move. the mouth breathers on the right who arent behind trump call him “not a true conservative” (The Sen. Cruz line). Well, his running mate is reagan as fuck. If polls don’t reflect a bump after this anouncement, those polls are wrong.
are we sure that’s a girl? because it looks like Joffrey Baratheon
seconded. Everyone thought I had some kind of disease and felt sorry for me as a kid. College me who did too many drugs didn’t even look as skinny as eat-ALL-the-things little kid me did
we were doing so good before the stupid fucking gratituitous trump reference
ATTENTION: ALL TRUMP JOKES HAVE BEEN USED UP. every liberal has been cracking the same jokes for a year now, it’s not funny, you’re not being clever, you’re alienating the readerbase