
The best thing about posting on Gawker is how so many people see a word or two in your post and just assume so much about you. You say, SJW, and people say sh** like, I wish you had never been born, you don’t know what you are talking about, you are a troll, you are an all lives matterer. It’s a blanket template that

I just picked this game up out of the bargain bin and holy so much this. Marcus died on my playthrough due to a random walker attack. You have to stay so nimble in this game, because you never know when someone is going to randomly encounter catastrophe. it is really a brilliant take on zombies

PHEW, glad we got to hear from the straight white males on the issue, we certainly don’t get enough of their opinions on the matter. It’s safe to say we won’t put you with the other straight white males you seem to be apologizing on the behalf of!

Your straight white male guilt is as pointless as Muslim terror

This is a blatant PR stunt by the NBA. If they wanted to send a message they’d pull the team out of the state - but they won’t, because they took all that taxpayer money to finance the arena, and Jordan doesn’t care about this because transphobes buy tickets too. Go ahead and feel good about the “stand” that means

I’m not white, but it’s worse for black people to be put in their little corner over there, with their little superhero who will get a cameo in an avengers movie, and have everyone go “OH WOW THIS IS SO GREAT FOR PROGRESS!”. It’s not. It’s divisive. It perpetuates the same things Coates is purportedly against. Coates

Byron Scott is an amazing coach - he is paid to keep that pick out of Philly’s hands and he has done exactly what he was hired to do

nah, it’s definitely The Guy You Pay To Write Things About Black People, writing The Token Black Person Comic With Intentionally Controversial Name, to prop up the already long running SJW PR Stunt of Token Black Guy That Shows We Are Progressive in Avengers 5 or whenever they release the next cash printer.

I wonder

Lost somewhere in this self important drivel you posted like a news article is the fact that, while I don’t look to deadspin for fact based peer reviews, the russel / young story is, always was, and is plainly obviously FAKE. Nick Young has social media face smile everytime someone takes a picture of him - social

I think it absolutely requires someone to be messed up in the head to make the decision to sign a contract with the federal government allowing them to send you anywhere they want to, to kill and possibly die to whoever they tell you to fight, and to de program your ability to critically think. If you strip away all

I’m so glad Gawker didn’t settle and took the last second shot in front of a live audience

I can just see Gawker offices in the morning: “Okay guys, how many different ways can we find an excuse to mention Trump? WE NEED AT LEAST 5 BLATANT TRUMP CLICKBAITS A DAY TO PAY THE BOLLEA MONEY.”

Every media channel I subscribe to, video games, sports, national news, international news, music news.... Every single

Serious question: Why doesn’t everyone start calling a spade a spade and realize that Twitter is just for self promotion? You really think he even writes the posts? And if he does, a guy like LeBron, who has become a good actor and a smart businessman, you really think he’s letting the entire world see anything on his

the whole point of watching a thing happen live is to discuss it with other people, live, as it happened. people who cry spoiler are essentially saying, “dont get your moneys worth for your pay per view because it’s rude to me”

Good to see Lovie land on his feet. They did him wrong in TB.

I was homeless off and on through most of my 20s, but I have a dream life these days - and I still don’t understand what being hungry feels like. I’ll go an entire day without eating and not realize I am starving - my wife constantly has to check whether I’ve eaten at all. Then I suddenly calm the f—- down and I’m

Typical Gawker liberal speak, putting a Japanese guy at the top of a white man’s list.

Twitter is basically everyone’s platform. The slobberknockers that the media applies to it is the most annoying thing about pro sports coverage these days. Jesus Christ assholes, if I wanted to know what was happening on Twitter, I’d fucking read Twitter.

Taking Twitter this seriously is like trying to intellectualize

oh look an old guy said stupid shit to get attention like a 16 year old

its almost like nearly the entire media does the same thing

I think step one is we need to realize that Twitter for the most part exists as a bullshit hot take manufacturer. Donald Trump voters live on Twitter. It is the world’s biggest socially acceptable cesspool. It generates content from bullshit pointless internet arguments - the same that these dinosaurs generate when