i love the Global Market. where else can you eat so many different kinds of food?
i love the Global Market. where else can you eat so many different kinds of food?
No matter what JT does, he cannot take away the hot, humid nights spent in a tent in my backyard with my forever love listening to Purple Rain.
Princes sister is on some weird shit. She invited Timberlake to Paisley Park to perform this week. Even got a liquor license for the party (Paisley Park was dry when Prince was alive). Totally disrespectful to his memory. I hope he haunts tf out of Timberlake.
Timberlake somehow manages to remain distinctly puncheable even to this day. He has that annoying “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m just trying to bring joy to the world” smug face of someone who very much knows why they’re a git but won’t just own up to it.
I was getting choked up before I even watched it now I am trying to keep the tears from falling while I am sitting in my office. As the mother to a 12 year old daughter I sincerely hope his existence in prison is hellish in the worst possible way. Again as the mother of a daughter I hope his victims can find peace and…
Hurt to watch. Reminded me of my dad: a union guy who probably poured every minute and every cent into his daughters so they could what they loved. I can’t fathom the pain he feels to have had his trust betrayed.
This is one of those odd intellectual paradoxes, where I know he shouldn’t have done this, but also know I would have done the same.
I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.
Goddamnit Drew, shut the fuck up about Bachelor Farmer. You leave this state, you offer some maudlin stuff about how we’re so happy and hygge here and we’re nice enough to let you into our homes but not nice enough to tell you how to GET to our homes, and we’ll nod politely and wait until you’re gone before we talk…
Can this whole fucking family be banned from Twitter?
I feel like this is really disrespectful to Kenneth.
I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,…
Yes at least one article every day until every single one of these roaches is rotting in jail.
Yeah, it’s way better to continue to ignore horrific abuse because it hurts our collective feefees.
This is terrible Kinja.
I’m old enough to remember the Olympics of the late 70's and 80's. Truth be told, we were outclassed by the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc in many sports, gymnastics in particular. The thing is we’d roll our eyes at it and rationalize it by saying, “Well our amateurs are just that, normal people living normal lives…
Don’t knock Medicare fraud either. His only mistake was to steal millions. Steal billions and they elect you Governor of Florida!
I have nothing but respect and admiration for this judge. She is treating these women with the utmost respect while upholding her duty to the law and the defendant. She’s great.