
Agree 100%. This plot hole was the only flaw in the movie. It really bothered me because T’Challa was shown to be intelligent and political savvy.

My former company learned the hard way to restrict those email lists after one of these messes ended up on Twitter as trending. Crashed a few Exchange servers before they could filter it. It was fun to watch the waves of replies as it hit a new time zone.

I equate it to the Holocaust Museum in DC. Horrifying but, sadly necessary.

The ACLU here in MN defended BLM protesters at the Mall of America with a similar, but more nuanced and legally sound argument. The fundamental idea is that some private spaces function as public spaces through their nature, public funding, or a combination of factors. As such, they are subject to the First Amendment

That’s the policy at almost every store. You aren’t supposed to engage. My husband worked at video store chain in the 90's and one branch was robbed. The assistant manager was almost fired for offering token resistance that led to his stabbing.

That’s what I did.

Thank you for exposing this garbage. I’m going to check with my kids’ school district to see if this crap is being used in their schools.

Right. I was thinking more of all the post-firing interviews and book deals.

Ok. I thought I read something about the NDA’s Trump was having people sign - maybe that was for the campaign only.

Right, I want the full public televised interview about how off the rails things are there.

I wonder what type of NDA he had to sign. I hope none.

I saw kids that young there. I would prepare them to see it. There are some intense scenes that not all kids can handle. The IT is creepy, the kids are in danger, and there is an emotionally charged climax that’s difficult.

My daughter loved it and it seemed like all the little girls in the theater with us did too.

Mindy Kaling isn’t in it too much.

I can’t say vulnerable. Just can’t. I butcher it every single time.

They also pad their membership numbers by donating money to gun clubs for repairs or whatever in exchange the gun club signs everyone for an NRA membership.

I can still feel that thin cheap plastic that was pure toxic waste and harden Silly Putty.

Shut up, Dumb Fuck Barbie.

I told them I would figure out for them. My kids are huge nerds and love school. Like do extra homework for fun school loving nerds. That’s how scared they are of this idea.

You articulated what I was scrambling to say much better.