
My kids asked to be homeschooled if their watchers were armed.

And they’ve learns from those who’ve gone before them. NPR had a story last week about how some of the parents from Newtown were supporting and helping the Parkland students.

As a former attorney and mom, I love that she’s made arrangements for his care. So many people don’t do that.

The difference here is that kids are on social media day in and day out and know how to use it. The vast majority of us never saw the videos from inside Sandy Hook. But these kids can share their instagrams, snaps, and texts from inside the school. It’s so much more visceral.

Add in domestic abusers and you will really help the mass shooting problem. The overlap between those two groups is staggering.

Miller is a asshole but his comments about the technical aspects of skiing have been good.

The legal profession as a whole would be better served if this was a nationwide model. I learned nothing about practicing law in law school except for the semester I spent in the legal clinic.

If you want to put yourself in a rage coma, read the New Yorker article about those assholes. It’s horrifying and completely what you would  expect.

I’ve never gotten more injured doing a sport than I did when I tried curling. I broke at least one rib and bruised my legs from ankle to knee.

My children are currently ripping the JT performance. It’s delightful.

I’m going to watch Kids Baking Championship with my daughter. Cute kids making cakes and desserts. They are so supportive and helpful of each other. It’s the perfect antidote.

There all ready was a similar story/case about swimming.

Maybe they can use the same test they gave President Stable Genius?

Thirded by ex-lawyer. And what’s the deal with the scare quotes around discovery? Like it’s some “weird” and “abnormal” process.

I agree. I just bought tickets for my son and I to see it. He’s so excited to see it and we are, frankly, white AF. I can’t image how much this movie could mean to kids of color.

I wear two. I’m a G cup, too. When I run, I wear a Freya underwire sports bra with Shock Absorber over it. It’s a little bit of a pre-workout getting into them, but the ladies stay in their lane.

Very timely as I just bought tickets for a vacation in Colorado. My husband and I are debating this very issue as neither of us have ever partaken. What should complete neophytes know?

Okay then.

Hell, if I have dairy I “cleanse” and “detox” within 12 hours. It’s pretty impressive.

I loved Paris so much. I wish I could go back.