
As a cyclist I spend time every day praying that people will check before they open their doors and harm me. So, yeah, I’m pretty cool with drivers worrying about dooring cyclists and thus checking before they open their door (something a shocking number of drivers don’t do).

I can identify Jeremy Meeks by name now. Not Hot Felon Jeremy Meeks. I see the words Jeremy Meeks and I know who is being referenced.

Dog has heard your prayers (via NOLA)

Lol fuck off. People letting their cats roam free have decimated indigenous bird populations in places like New Zealand.

Cats shouldn’t be left to run free to get run over by a car, injured by a dog, or to decimate local populations of birds and other small animals. Luckily, more counties are making laws about keeping cats inside.

It’s actually much safer for both the cats and the local wildlife if cats are kept inside, and cats can live perfectly healthy and much longer lives if they are kept inside. Not only is the risk of a cat being injured or killed very high if they are outside (I see a dead cat that’s been run over almost weekly in my

Trying to get to celebrate my 50th birthday?...

It was recently reported that two days ago several shelter volunteers have gone to the break room but did not return for their duties. Their new celebrity cat was asked if he had any information on the matter. He remains silent and spends a good amount of time licking his paws.

Kaep’s people have said multiple times that they haven’t talked to anyone about contract numbers or demands. And the “he wants $10 million and to be a starter” rumors were in an article anonymously sourced from a Niners front office that had a major stake in portraying Kaepernick as a greedy asshole.

Racist? Maybe. Asshole? Definitely!

Yeah, fuck that guy and his personal crusade to stop the nationwide racist treatment of black Americans by police.

Dude, you used “social justice warrior” unironically. Nobody has to call you an asshole, you self-disclosed.

If you don’t give a flying fuck about some guy’s political crusade, why are you so butthurt about it? Clearly you give a BUNCH of flying fucks about it.

All three of them look like the poster boys for frat rape.

Both of you are saying that I think social justice warrior is racist. Nowhere did I say that.

Why did he have to take a knee during the National Anthem? Why not save it for when he scores a touchdown like our Lorde and Saviour Tim Tebow?

I know right? I’m amazed at how someone can play football while kneeling silently during the national anthem. It’s almost like the game hasn’t really started yet, no passes have been thrown, and football isn’t really even being played.

Dude, you used the phrase ‘social just warrior’ and started a sentence with “I’m not racist.”

I keep thinking about John Mara saying he got a bunch of letters from ticketholders saying they’d stop going to games if he ever signed Kap. Mara and his fans had zero problem keeping a kicker on the team who had 20 incidents of domestic violence in his past, and Mara defended Brown when the allegations became known.

Ha, Biebs got banished from a whole country like a bratty 12 year old gets banished from an after school club.