Chris Evans is a beautiful, beautiful man.
Chris Evans is a beautiful, beautiful man.
Wanted to add two things to this. Let’s assume it legitimately took her an hour to choose her seat. And let’s assume she legitimately could have made $10,000 in that hour. For the average American (working 37.5 hours per week, 50 weeks per year) that comes out to an annual salary of $18,750,000.
I fly a ridiculous amount for work, so naturally I loathe the big three US carriers because they are objectively terrible and they don’t care. But even I was like “Nice, Delta. You suck less than Ann Coulter. That’s a start.”
‘Investigate the type of plane’? ‘Periodically review seat options’?? Bitch, the app or website asks ‘do you want to pick a seat’, you click yes, it shows you a layout of the plane and the Extra Special Seats have a different color so you choose one of those. It does not require a PhD in Seat Studies and for anyone…
Wow, can Chris Evans get any sexier? Is it even possible?
Seen it. Multiple times. The amount of gratuitous Chris Evans nudity is outstanding and deeply appreciated by me.
I’m just going to do you this favor. If you haven’t heard of or seen the movie What’s Your Number, you need to remedy that ASAP.
The ONLY good thing about the chaos and anxiety and stress we are currently experiencing is that these awful times are bringing out the true colors of these terrible, selfish people. Please, no one take away Trump or Coulter’s Twitter, because it’s the place they feel like they can “be themselves,” and in turn we can…
I love that she was flying coach, thinking she could pull the famous card
Regardless of the reason, she still had a freaking exit-row seat! And from someone who has sat in that row multiple times, take it from me, there is a TON of legroom in that row, so she can’t bitch about her knees being up against the seat in front of her. She just wanted to be a bitch and throw a tantrum, and likely…
I love this twitter exchange for so many reasons.
Captain America, doing the Lord’s work every day.
And if you read their statement, they still gave her an exit-row seat! They moved her from 15D to 15A — because who knows, maybe the (brown) woman who sat in 15D knows the guy in 15E and they requested to sit next to each other, so the gate agent, seeing that it’s just a lateral move, shifts Coultergeist (Olbermann…
I loved Delta’s response: OK, fine you grumpy bitch. We’ll give you a refund. Here is the $30 you paid for the exit row. Now GTFO.
Its been a good week between this and Ann Coulter getting treated like crap on her Delta Airlines flight. Its the little things...
Maybe it’s just because my office mates at my last job were racist misogynistic generally terrible people, but I friggin LOVE working from home. I may be unable to work in an office ever again. Yes, it’s occasionally isolating and lonely, but I’d rather be isolated than forced to deal with garbage people all day.
To me that’s the most insane part. Like... the logistics of that shot are ridiculous; the cop came within inches of shooting his partner. I mean, it wasn’t even a shot through the window, it was a shot through the door.
Yup, that’s the story so far. I’m really waiting to hear the tale they come up with that somehow makes her the aggressor.