As Lindy West says, “No, not every opinion is valid and worthy of my time.”
As Lindy West says, “No, not every opinion is valid and worthy of my time.”
Let’s not forget them setting up Ruthie in Hawaii to become dangerously intoxicated at every opportunity.
I am an Old at age 40 and I loved the Seattle season. Irene was snarky and quick witted, so it was a bummer when she left, which was absolutely framed by the show as being because of the Lyme disease. It’s true that in those early years of reality television, we all thought we were watching heavily edited real…
In a just country Fox News would be burned to the ground, without trial. Since we do not live in that country, they should continue to be just fine no matter how low they sink.
I got a bill from the IRS one year that I owed them like $500 bucks for settling the debt on a credit card for less than what I owed. Apparently, not paying back money that never technically existed in the first place counts as “income”. Fuck the IRS, but also fuck Mayweather. I hope it comes out that the guy is…
I want to watch position players tossing knuckleballs in the 13th inning.
So should we just call him “Substantial Illiquid Assets” from now on, or what?
LeBron vs. Gronk on a tennis court.
Fuck this guy.
And fuck this dumbass, Guy-Fieri-recipe fight.
“Your honor, of the three kids under my ward, two are well-taken care of. That comes to a .667 batting average, which in MLB would be an astounding batting record. The defense rests.”
My god. That child weighed less than my 1 year old and he weighs 26 pounds. I have no idea why a judge would give this woman visitation. She clearly wanted the child to die.
Why does she even want visitation? She clearly doesn’t give a fuck about the child as evidenced by this case; why does she want to see him?
My goodness! These assholes deserve to go to jail for a long time. I have a 17 months old who’s almost 30lbs, can’t imagine how much they let this baby suffer.
“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”
But... you still don’t know her dog.
Eh. My mom got the sweetest dog at the shelter about a year and a half ago, and eventually he turned into a growler and a biter and a dog with food aggression. Through multiple trainers and boardings, she’s finally looking to re-home him. It really does happen.
That’s a nightmare. The humanity of all those lost tacos.
I had a dream where I witnessed a taco truck explosion and took to my bed like a Victorian lady because I was traumatized. It was very dramatic with a long white nightgown and a lot of lounging and swooning.
There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.