I thought a fight between a Star Wars guy and a Star Trek guy would be two dudes hiding behind furniture going “zap, zap”, “pew, pew, pew”.
I thought a fight between a Star Wars guy and a Star Trek guy would be two dudes hiding behind furniture going “zap, zap”, “pew, pew, pew”.
44.81% of respondents have ignored the probability that Han Solo would shoot them under the table if they tried to get a beer with him.
I’m gonna have to agree with you, especially considering that Jerome went full Klingon, trying to defend his honor.
$250 is waaay overpriced for most markets. Unless you are in NYC or LA, this should cost you $150 from a competent lawyer.
Rob & Chyna:
After Serena has recovered from having her baby next year, do you think we could get a Battle of the Sexes 2.0? I want to see her beat the shit out of John McEnroe on the court. Maybe that would shut him up once and for all.
I live in Memphis and used to eat at this restaurant until a friend of mine posted about her experience working there - they leave open breastmilk in the fridge, use expired products, essentially just microwave gardein patties and treat their employees like GARBAGE. They have been running wild on social media for a…
From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.
We used to do the bags/second change of clothes/cleaning supplies stuff until we discovered kids chewable dramamine.. GAME CHANGER... Drops the mic, walks off stage..
I prefer “All prosecuted civil and criminal suits are coming out of your checks and retirement” fund.
This guy’s mugshot could be from a casting call for Deliverance. If his eyes were any closer together he would be a cyclops. Plus, calling people “coons”?!? That’s racist as fuck, but pretty dated. Couldn’t he think of a more up to date racial slur? C’mon, crazy-Florida-racists, stop inbreeding and get with the times.
What the.fuck. happened to his chin?
Good thing Cody here didn’t shoot any elderly black women, otherwise the cops would’ve bought him some Burger King.
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
I’m really curious as to what christie is going to do when he leaves office. He’s so unpopular across the aisle (see Kim Guadagno’s repudiation of him this weekend) that I can’t imagine any law firm hiring him. Can he become a lobbyist? Who will be desperate enough to hire him?
Okay, as a white woman, I have what has frequently been referred to as “naturally curly hair.” So for an idiot, I can see how you potentially might confuse the adverb (naturally) versus the adjective (natural). For an uninformed idiot.
They are ashamed the war has become a public spectacle and hurting the family name. Even worse than damaging the brand, family members worry Rob and Chyna are hurting 7-month-old Dream...the Kardashians think it’s damaging for Dream to live in homes where the parents are at war.
They are ashamed the war has become a public spectacle and hurting the family name.
Calling it “stealing” is problematic, considering the crime issues in both Oakland and the South Side of Chicago. I know, because I’m working on a Master’s Degree.
Millions of Americans from doctors to waste collectors went in to work yesterday. #thanksrealworld