Put your partner first.
Put your partner first.
Yes, nothing says “I love you” like an implicit, threatening demand for reciprocity.
I would enjoy a focus on another character from Arthurian mythology. I had a crazy Merlin obsession as a kid (thanks Dark is Rising). Theres a few knights that would be fun, lady of the Lake might be fun, some stuff about Avalon maybe.
I love TH White’s series though (kid arthur is fun).
If you don’t have a mother-figure in your life, then go have a nice cup of coffee or a beer or something, and treat yourself, because you don’t have to put up with a toxic relationship, and are better for it if you don’t. Screw anyone who wants you to wrestle with THAT alligator.
He looks like Spicer, but Spicer looks like an angry baby often.
Don’t buy a ticket for the guilt trip. My cousin, who was frequently estranged from her mother, tried to guilt me about my broken relationship with mine. Worse, she got drunk, and called me around 1 AM to do it. I said, “I wouldn’t do this to you,” and hung up on her.
Please allow me to join you at the petty table. I’m sure that baby will grow into its looks....but not today, sunshine. Or this year.
I don’t care how mind numbingly stupid this movie looks, I want to see it.
I’ve always liked the stripped-down elegance of Great Chefs/Great Chefs of the World, which used to air on Discovery channel way back in the 20th century. Pretty much every recipe is available for free on http://greatchefs.com/. No bullshit, just one camera and one microphone in a kitchen as the chef makes something…
Cough cough...Gordon Ramsay..cough cough.
Reminds me of the shorts guy from Friends.
1.) CNN was reporting last night that nobody in the administration expected the political blowback that occurred 0.4 seconds after the country found out about Comey’s firing. HOW? Did they honestly think that we’d all go, “Oh. Yes. Trump is clearly firing him because he was mean to Hilz. Makes sense to me.” Nobody in…
Bobby, I will have you know that making my mother happy is never easy and may, in fact, be impossible.
That is not an apology.
YAAAAAAS. ALSO a relevant quote from that movie: “Everything that guy just said is bullshit.”
He hates Cruz in the primary “It’s like being shot or poisoned. What does it really matter?”
They are going to have to invest in a second camera at this rate.
Anyone noticing that most of the liberal heroes right now are women?