
Dyscalculia! I’m self diagnosed, mostly to excuse all the times I sobbed in high school algebra.

There is! It’s called dyscalculia.

Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure they’ve cremated lots of people who “sinned”, like criminals, adulterers, divorcees, etc........and they were fine in taking their family’s money just because they were heterosexual. Nope, somehow it’s the quiet elderly gay couple who liked to garden together who are the real perverts to

You know what’s SO weird? Supposedly that Jesus fella was big on compassion. You could almost say it was like, his fave thing. So it ALMOST seems like these people and their “religious freedom” are just using that as an excuse to be shitty??

I would have thought burning the body of a gay man (and getting paid for it) would be quite pleasurable for the bigot class.

“...co-owner Henrietta Brewer told the nursing home they don’t “deal with their kind.”

What the utter fuck? Do these backwater hicks think that the gay is going to contaminate them somehow? He’s fucking dead for chrissake. Do your goddamn jobs.

I have never understood how completely devoid of empathy people can be. When someone loses their spouse, you bend over backwards to ease their pain. You don’t flip them the bird and make life even harder.

I look forward to the day we’ve won all these fights, and lgbtq couples can make it to this age never having known this kind of anguish.

You have to be a special kind of asshole to refuse funeral services to someone. I have heard of churches doing this, too. This person’s loved ones are experiencing soul-crushing grief. You don’t have to be the humanitarian of the year to show some compassion.

They weren’t really negotiating with us, though. That’s the crazy thing about this. They are having to negotiate within their own caucus just to get a continuing resolution. They literally can’t pass a budget, and it has nothing to do with Dems giving or not giving anything.

I mean, Hillary Clinton only got 2.9 million more votes than her Republican opponent, and we only managed to pick up seats in both houses of Congress.


The budget was also seen as a victory for Democrats because it lacked nearly every cut Trump wanted to make—including the ones to Planned Parenthood, the NEA and Public Radio/Television. It’s a pretty sweet win for a supposedly weak and out of touch Party.

Become a scientist, they said. It’s a career of quiet dignity, they said.

Male dolphins are the definition of fuckboy.

At the height of their fertility, female cetaceans mate as many as 15 times in 15 minutes with two or three males, Orbach said.

Haha, this is research being done at the University where I work. It’s been funny watching it go from internal research updates to local news to national to international. Something about dolphin dicks just seem to attract people’s attention...

When my wiseass brother moved to FL back in the ‘80s he would often hear, “The South’s gonna do it again!”

A huge chunk of the “Confederacy” lovers are from families that emigrated after the Civil War or are from regions that opposed the war (I’m looking at you, East Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, etc). I’d say it’s a fair comparison, or at least that it doesn’t make less sense.