Glad I’m working alone today because I cried at my computer.
Glad I’m working alone today because I cried at my computer.
You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.
I’m so tired of Anna Wintour. She thinks she’s queen of England with this Vogue gig. She’s now boring as an editor and the magazine needs new blood and a new direction. American Vogue is a snooze fest and yet she persists. She must be blackmailing her bosses or something.
They were so stupid not to fight to keep Megyn Kelly. Sources said she would have stayed if he were ousted and she got his spot. They knew the law suits were piling up. And she was a recognizable name. Instead they renewed Bill’s contract.
“The network now belongs to the Murdoch sons”
He’s been pissing and moaning about trying to prosecute people who are mean to him. Apparently “public figure” and “actual malice” are terms that are beyond his comprehension.
Hopefully we’ll get to see them all gather together at Mar-A-Lago and go full Jonestown.
YES. Without him, Faux News will have NO marquee stars. Could this departure really neuter Drumpf’s propaganda arm?!
I’d be much more interested in this get together.
I’ll never get that extra hour in the ball pit now!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Vegas is too classy for Aaron Carter. Now, Reno? THAT’S the perfect place for him to play.
I want this drama to last forever. It is the perfect pallet cleanser in between stories about Trump starting WWIII.
Probably more mystifying to me than anything else about this, why were the majority millennial crowd shelling out those kinds of bucks to see Ja Rule and fucking Blink 182? I remember going to a Blink 182 concert, like, 20 years ago and being vaguely embarrassed because they weren’t considered cool.
The problem is I want no one to win this lawsuit.
Can this be the judge???
Man, Ja Rule is gonna be playing the casino circuit until he’s 90 to pay this off.
Dumpster Fyre Festival
I think it’s nice that she’s drawing attention to what seem like smaller business brands. It’s the kind of advertising they could never afford but it can really help when competing with the big box stores and department store lines