

One of my friends is trying to decide between a number of grad schools and Parsons is one of them and you better believe I just sent her this and told her she could get a scholbeyship and therefore no longer needed to worry about making a decision on where to go.

They definitely need one colossal hydrocolloidal bandage.

It needs mustard, may haps some aloe.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I know that demographically these guys are dying out, but their last gasps are pretty darn scary.

cinchonism, a type of poisoning with symptoms like blurred vision, impaired hearing, vertigo, and nausea.

Hell, I thought Hannity would be next, but FOX itself may be out of a job soon.

-I’m going to say it - stomping on Robert Fisher’s face isn’t an absolute bad, because the stomper probably really enjoyed it.

We here in Canada were surprised at how mean we apparently are to Wisconsin dairy farmers. It turns out that Wisconsin dairy farmers are also a little surprised. Of all the things to fabricate a cross border dispute with Canada about and this guy picks fucking milk. Wisconsin dairy farmers are more hobbled by the fact

Do. Not. Fuck. With.Us.

2013 GOP

I spent most of the weekend awake, binge watching ER season 7 or 8 and helping Sadie birth puppies. By Sunday I was a gibbering fool and felt like I was high as fuck- I was still more coherent than that goop from ol’ Limpy.

Been waiting to use this one all day

The GOP went full retard, and you never go full retard. They seem to have forgotten that they used the threat of a shutdown EVERY SINGLE YEAR to try to get their way.

Yes, the Democrats ate Trump’s homework on this one for sure.

From TNR:

Or, if you’re really that good at Jeopardy/trivia, take the wife and meet up with some friends for bar trivia. Rather than fighting, you’re on a team. Get liquored up, and get your drinks paid for when you win. If you’re lucky, she’ll be impressed and you might get to bone to the Tonight Show once you get home.

Kids these days don’t know what it’s like to have to work for it. THAT WAS OUR PORN UP THERE, MILLENNIALS

No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.