
Where’s the amazing Beerita?! Where you use a can of frozen limeade to measure your ingredients! Make a pitcher of those, grab a rocking chair, and you are living the summer good life.

Thanks! I’m ok with the sex stuff - it’s the puberty part that’s killing me. And that she’s so reluctant to hear. She’s a bigger kid (physically) and I think she wants to hang onto being a little girl as long as she can. Can’t say I blame her there.

That’s how it went with my son. I need to explain puberty to my daughter and she’s not a fan.

I know it will be an ongoing thing. But we have to start sometime. She’s 9 and I need to prepare her for puberty more than anything. I was an early bloomer so she’s in for it.

I think she worked at the club. I was nine so the details are hazy.

It’s more she doesn’t want to have to deal with bras and growing up.

I lived in Orange County, CA in the 70's. Pretty at least one of those guys was a neighbor. I had a Playboy Bunny as a youth softball coach.

Your mom is a goddess.

I don’t know what it is. It’s awful. We have a girl on our team who clearly has developmental delays and/or other issues. She’s never played before and is struggling. Her shitty family members get so frustrated with her while you can see her trying so hard. I want to tell them to shut the hell up.

Some statute of limitations have exceptions for discovery. Where the limitations period starts running from when the offense was discovered vs when it was committed.

I coach U8 softball. I was called a “cheating bitch” by parents because I called a runner safe instead of out. We don’t have umps for our games so the coaches do it. I got to hear the same assholes jeer at my daughter when I called her out. A lot of parents are horrible. It’s U8 softball! These girls are here for

New Hampshire is the asshole. Evidenced by my father’s continued residence there.

I got a Mirena a few months ago to control my periods and preserve my sanity. I had these terribly scary episodes right before my period would start. Nothing helped until I tried antidepressants. They helped for a year or so then started to lose their effectiveness. Then the random bleeding started. So it was IUD

I’ve used it for returns only. You select it as an option for the return and select a site. You get a code for the locker that’s active for 24hrs. The site is pretty self-explanatory as tonhiwjit works. I assume it’s similar for pick ups.

I use them for returns. You package the stuff up and print out a label but don’t pay for return shipping. Just drop it in a secure locker. Makes things a lot easier than going to UPS or the post office. And cheaper. Especially for those items that aren’t super expensive so shipping really cuts into the return.

Once we got Breville the microwave was rarely used. Love that thing.

This is the one special extra that wasn’t included when my kitchen was remodeled by the previous owners. I’m jealous.

One article speculated that they bought Whole Foods to force people to pick up their stuff there. Makes sense. Saves on shipping and gets people into a store where they can spend more money.

I’ve discovered their locker service for returns. Game changer.

I’m lactose intolerant and my family has to take it into account when we go out to eat. It’s a pain in the ass. I know it. They know it. Seemed like a legit comparison.