
I know several extremely conservative lawyers who totally believe in the rapture. And flat earth and Jesus riding a dinosaur.

Hung jury. They couldn’t reach a verdict so the judge declared a mistrial. Sometimes it happens because there’s an error so prejudicial the jury can’t ignore it.

I can’t eat dairy and have found local taquerias some of the best “fast food” for me.

They tend more towords the outright bitchy than shady.

Sales pitch. Now, if there’s a tweet about Facebook satellites exploding that could be shade towards SpaceX but I’m guessing Lockheed’s social media team isn’t at Wendy’s level.

I’ve been there before. I used to be a court appointed defense attorney so it was professional admiration at her snark. I just wasn’t sure if she was court appointed or she offered that up as a legit explanation for why her client did a runner.

Not sure if his attorney was hired or court appointed, but I truly loved the explanation of him being Raptured. I always read as the attorney being super snarky because she hates her client.

We have four baby bunnies under our porch. They keep venturing out to snack on the clover and then dart back. They are so cute.

Thanks for the advice. My son is “questioning” (his word) right now so this may be something we confront in a few years. It’s helpful to have this information ahead of time.

Urban vs rural. King has a gerrymandered rural district.

HR probably has metrics for how many people at each level in each job class they want to accept. It’s not always the highest paid folks or the longest serving folks they want gone. They are looking for a mix.

How can these assholes sleep on their sides if their precious balls need room to dangle?

I started drinking a local saison in the summer a few years ago and really liked it. I hate hoppy beers but like something lighter when it’s hot out.

I have these discussions with my son on a regular basis. He and his friend share goofy pictures and text each other. I check his phone regularly, as well.

With my second child, there was one of those “mild” complications that could turn on a dime. I had to do the ultrasounds and kick counts for the final trimester. And eventually had to be induced about a week before my due date. It was awful as this was a post-miscarriage pregnancy. I wouldn’t let myself fantasize

A few years ago my husband was laid off and interviewed for a job in WI. I told him that unless he could work remotely, there was no way I would move there with our kids.

Judges can kick you out of the courtroom for just about any reason. When I practiced, cellphone usage was becoming common and we knew damn well to silence them.

Hope your little one is ok. Pneumonia is scary.

I’m 44 and my mother still yells at me to get a flu shot and worries that I don’t get enough sleep.

My kids aren’t babies anymore but I still take them to the doctor when they CAN’T FUCKING BREATHE.