
I’ve been chased by both geese and turkeys while biking. My daughter and I were looking for a geocache at a local park and had to give up because it was as near a duck’s nest and the mama came after my daughter. The poor daughter was also set upon by seagulls at the beach who wanted her cheezits.

I’m so happy things worked out for you and your family.

I’ve wanted this for my husband for over 20 years. Unless they want it, nothing you say will convince them to do it. You cannot force someone to exercise or eat healthy unless they are committed to changing and believe they can. My husband has asked me for help and still does things that are the opposite of healthy

Fake ghost spray? Get a spray bottle and fill it with water and herbs or essential oils, and “spray” the area to keep the ghosts away. My daughter developed a bizzare fear of bears at that age. It passes. Good luck.

I have two kids. And I think this is asinine. Seriously. There are so many products that protect sockets and kids are only interested in outlets for a period of time.

I used my kid’s birthday sleepover to avoid seeing my mom. Sleepover was postponed because my kid has horrible cough.

Quick and easy tomato sauce ( spent a stupid amount of money for fancy San Marzano canned tomatoes) and pasta because I’m doing breakfast and seafood dinner tomorrow.

My favorite summer drink: cherry 7-up beeritas. You take a can of frozen limeade and dump it in your pitcher. Using the can as your measuring device add a can each of: cherry 7-up, tequila, and basic lager. Stir. Pour in glass over ice.

The early 90's were pretty Internet light. I graduated college in ‘95 and while we emailed and had vax boards/the relay, there wasn’t much else. It wasn’t until later that the Internet became more mainstream. And then it was the AOL version until much later.

I remember talking about V on the us the day after the Diana eats a rat scene aired.

Second the recommendation for farmer’s markets. You should be able to find good honey and/or jams/jellies or cheese to go with your bread.

The problem with the politicians is that the shitty people keep voting for them.

Yeah, but my hatred is grounded in my shitty family and living across the border in MN.

I took my kids to the Badlands last week. We had so much fun. Our admission was good for a week or ten days? Totally worth it. We are going to hit Bryce in the fall. Frankly, with the current regime, we should all be paying more when we visit.

Trader Joe’s wines have taken up a far larger percentage of my “grocery” spending than I care to admit.

Steve Bannon deserves the to the pain treatment from Princess Bride.

Me and my bottle of Chardonnay are waiting for this.

Wisconsin is pretty horrible. And Green Bay is even worse.

I would rather listen to my kids’ top 40 station these days.

I was in a meeting about two weeks ago with several high ranking executives of my company and a vendor of ours, they were openly mocking Trump.