
And a took a shower. He looks like he smells like patchouli and cloves.

I love it.

Kids have excellent bullshit detectors.

My daughter wore red today and declares, randomly, her undying hatred of Trump.

Seconded. The illustrations are so perfect.

I didn’t realize the not buying anything would be hard until I forgot my coffee at home. My actual boss is on maternity leave and my interim boss is in and out of the office so much, he wouldn’t notice my presence or lack thereof. I’m done with meetings at 11:30 today so I could leave. But, selfishly, I want to use

I’m swamped at work, too. I could take the day as PTO, or just not show up in the office, and no one would bat an eye. Mr Burner offered to do the kid related stuff tomorrow in solidarity. I’m going to donate the equivalent of a day’s pay and avoid buying anything.

I think there’s a divergence because one has actual talent vs Disney kid sitcom level talent.

I understand that feeling. My 12 yo is into these YouTube vloggers and I’m lost.

She was on Shake It Up with Zendaya. A Disney kiddie sitcom. And she’s been in other stuff but I can’t think of it now. She also had some publicity around her sexuality but I can’t recall the details.

Cycling shorts should be cultured for new antibiotics, they are that gross.

I stopped reading the excerpt to text my husband.

Oh, I’m going to watch this after my mammogram today.

I binge watch Drag Race. I even re-watch whole seasons or just episodes. I think a big issue for Netflix’s model would be the lack of social media to build buzz around specific moments or events.

Hives are so in.

I have to take a special enhanced course because I work with vendors and am at a “high risk for bribery”.

Every year, I have to take federally mandated anti-corruption and anti-bribery training because of my job. Why don’t these assholes?

Shuld be good. Me and five or six dudes who are all a variation on this theme.

Yeah, I have be professional and diplomatic and shit like that. The guy is actually a vendor not a co-worker or subordinate. Since he hasn’t bothered to listen to me for a few month, I’m going to speak slowly and use little words. Or I will descend into corporate-speak babble because he LOVES to speak like he’s

I have to confront someone at work tomorrow and I am going to hard pressed not to call him an “insufferably precious twat” because it’s the perfect description of him.