
The higher sodium version is so much tastier.

It’s not just start ups or Silicon Valley firms. I do vendor management and handle large enterprise relationships. Of all the sales and account managers I deal with, there’s only one or two women. For one vendor, there’s three women on the roster out of 60 reps/managers assigned to my company. It is very common for

It is one of my favorite products. I prefer the regular to low sodium version.

Maybe her Klan robe was at the cleaners? Or she couldn’t find her “southern heritage” scarf?

I’m embarrassed when I get caught spinning in my office chair. What the hell is this shit?

Yes and no. You can present a vigorous defense based on the evidence and procedures used by the police while being respectful of the victim. Only a certain sub-group of criminal defense attorneys will go after a victim in the press.

The county attorney has been pretty blunt in his criticism of Yanez. The gist of the criticism is that he screwed up the entire stop and his story doesn’t make sense.

I love Overdrive. I started reading on my phone because I always had it with me then I got a Paperwhite for Christmas. I do a lot of reading on there now. It’s not great reading but still...

Thanks for the tip.

That’s what we use! I have been too scared to try the Kirkland brand.

Yikes. Ours is weekly.

Anne of Green Gables. I read and reread the whole series constantly. I wanted to name my daughter Marilla. I loved Anne and how she succeeded despite everything stacked against her including herself.

More lazy. The laundry is in the basement and my husband, who does the lion’s share of laundry, just tosses the empties aside instead of carrying them upstairs.

It’s actually probably my husband - he’s a big dude so he has big clothes. And my kids play sports so there’s a stink factor And they are messy AF.  

I like this idea. Sounds like fun!

I have two kids who play sports so we have a decent amount of laundry. But our problem is more due to our own laziness - we let the jugs pile up and now have a massive collection of them to recycle and limited space in our city’s new bins.

My daughter has extremely sensitive skin. We’ve found one detergent that doesn’t cause her to have a massive allergic reaction on contact. She breaks in hives to most “sensitive” detergents. So we stuck to the one brand that works and pray they don’t change anything about the formula.

Our laundry is in the basement so we are a little lazy about bringing up the empty cartons. We just transitioned to the garbage can bins for recycling vs pile your shit on the curb so there’s a learning curve. We are very conscientious about recycling so the bin gets full fast and there isn’t room for the old stuff.

Thanks for the tip!

Ha! Hadn’t thought of that. Our city just moved to these big wheeled bins so the robot arm can grab and dump. No more sorting but limited space.