
I’m a fan of the Something McSomething insult. Holdover from Mighty Big Tv.

They used lard with beef fat in it.

I’m torn between the two scenarios as the most plausible.

I was thinking more of Ludlum or Cussler because I read the shit out of those books. Clancy was too techno-babble for me.

It replaces the beef flavoring that used to be in the lard used for frying.

Diarrhea from a child with rotoviris. My son had it 11 years ago and I still gag from the memory. The doctor diagnosed him from description of the smell ALONE. And it is pure water so that vile asswater goes everywhere plus the virus so powerful bleach doesn’t touch it.

Love your names.

It’s a veritable clown car of douchelords and asshats.

It will be interesting to see how far Ryan’s Medicare and Social Security plans get. Old people love their entitlements and they vote. The rank and file may not be as on board with that plan as they claim.

I think the pressure to do something will come once there’s enough groundswell against Trump. If it looks like he will be unpopular enough to damage the GOP in the midterms, the script will flip.

I sort of hope they all end up fighting and pissing around that nothing gets done. But I fear that’s not going to be the case.

Banana Hammock is behind some of the EO’s but once Congress gets going, it’s the Ryan-McConnell show.

I think it depends on the polls closer to the midterms. If his popularity continues to sink and it looks like the Trump supporters won’t vote in the midterms or start running primary candidates against establishment GOO candidates, they will kneecap him.

Exactly. Ryan, spineless shitstain that he is, has some modicum of respect for the government and the process of governing. Trump has Twitter.

I agree Pence has more odious convictions and is a terrible excuse of a human being. The only advantage is that he seems to be more conventionally horrible than Trump so a tiny bit easier to combat.

I like that proverb. And I agree on the too late. I think a lot will depend on the midterms.

Ha! I don’t know. If they don’t genuflect the right way, he may have a tantrum.

They are using him. The MINUTE Cheeto McStupidHair won’t sign off on one their horrible Randian laws, they will impeach him.

McDonalds has added a ton of high calorie coffee beverages and those McFlurry things to their menu. They have a pretty robust website with the calories of everything pretty easily accessible.

The time for touchy feely bullshit is OVER. I don’t give a rat’s ass about his innocent ten year old because he sure as shit doesn’t care about my kids. Liberals need to gird their loins and fight fire with a damn flamethrower.