
He’s a shitty businessman and an epic shitshow of a president. I’ve worked in several Fortune 500 organizations and those CEO’s don’t have the time to tweet and host reality shows. He’s never run anything. The income for the Trump organization is in licensing and nothing else. Hell, Paris Hilton has a better ROI on

Same. I’ve never asked a writer to ungrey me so I don’t think much of it. Except I’m not grey on the other sites.

Which is also good advice for adult conversations, too.

I would talk to my daughter about her outfits when she was younger because they were clearly an expression of her personality. And possible color blindness. Now, she’s all about comfort and the random shirts she’s inherited from her brother.

Emily’s List supports female candidates up and down the ballot. They are all pro-choice and usually liberal.

Good luck! And help her on the math part. I loved science but couldn’t hack the math due to an undiagnosed learning disability. If you are into allowing screens, my daughter LOVES Popular Mechanics for Kids (PMK) and Odd Squad.

How can these assclowns vet anyone? THEY’VE FIRED EVERYONE.

My 8 yo daughter wants to study math. I hope that never changes.

I got very mixed messages about intelligence vs beauty from parents and everyone around me. Thank the gods they invested in my sister’s and my educations. For a long time, I said I would trade being being smart for being pretty. No more. And I celebrate my daughter’s love of math and science and learning.

Serious question - I’m an attorney who has been on inactive status for years. Should I re-up to volunteer with local orgs fighting the orange facist menace? Or should I continue to write checks?

Unreal. Hopefully, saner heads in the senate and governor’s mansion will prevail.

I thought that was in the blurb. The twist was why....

As I was listening to NPR while stuck in traffic today, I thought of this quote from Fellowship: when did Saruman abandon reason for madness? Replace Saruman with GOP.

The DFL (Dems) here in MN are awesome at wining state wide elections and pretty crappy at the district level. Plus, there was a lot of carnage as a result of the legislature approving same-sex marriage before the SCOTUS decision. A number of rural Dems were targeted by the GOP. The rural-urban divide is a huge

I agree. Dems need to fight dirty to save the union. That’s not even hyperbole.

There’s a terrific book about a family who does this with a chimp and the repercussions them after the chimp has to be removed from the home. It’s fictional- We Are All Completely Besides Ourselves.

No, it’s one of those tradition decorum things they don’t do anymore.

I will be making some calls tonight.

She’s an asshole because supports her shitstain of a husband and his noxious views on national television.

God yes on the worry list. I think the First Lady is usually expected to be a lot more than arm candy. Especially the First Lady following Michelle Obama.