
My daughter’s 3rd grade class has been partnering with a zoo based program to design enrichment activities for grizzly bears.

I’m cutting back on booze and running again. Have noticed that I’m sleeping and feeling better.

My son is 12. He’s moody and crabby and smells funny but he’s smart and kind and funny and stills acts like a little boy. How anyone could do this to another person let alone their own child is beyond me.

I actually am waiting to get one so women who need it for birth control can get it done before ACA is repealed.

They have good recipes? Or links to good recipes, at least.

I think it became normal as prices of vehicles rose and wages stagnated. You had to finance in order to buy a new car and people just accepted it as a fact of life, like paying rent and utilities.

There’s a heist movie about museum guards who steal a painting. It’s very sweet.

Do people really look into replacing their car(s) after only 3 years? That’s basically a lease.

Excellent use of marsupial military. I love that.

She was a little less than a year older than some of my son’s friends. How anyone could do that to child is something I cannot even begin to wrap my head around.

They’re great pumps! They go on sale a lot, too. That’s too bad about lands end but makes sense. I have no torso and their stuff fits me great!

I find that during long workouts my mind wanders and I’m less able to compartmentalize my feelings or distract myself. M exercise of choice is biking and I’ll ride for around 30 to 5o miles while training. I don’t listen to music for safety reasons and because of the repeative nature of cycling, I can almost

My favorite grocery store has these and I always think they’re so beautiful. Maybe I’ll try one next time!

I never worked at Blockbuster but I did work at a regional chain for a few years.

I finished while on bed rest! It was rough going. I also read Cryptonomicon. That was really good and had an actual ending. Unlike so many of his books.

I had knee surgery in the early 90's. I remember going to Blockbuster beforehand to get VHS tapes I had reserved.

Food poisoning. It’s nothing you show symptoms of and no one wants to hear about vomiting and diarrhea.

I watched last week too. It was good. Kate McKinnon is a treasure.