
When people post about their kids I usually just delete them from my friends list altogether :)

Facebook has literally made you into an angry and vulgar person.

When TNG first went on the air Worf was basically there to grunt and get his ass kicked. Then when they started trying to expand his character, it just made him worse. It wasn't until DS9 that they were finally able to expand him in a direction that worked.

Not that the others weren't great, but he has elevated and absolutely OWNED the role of Hannibal.

eh. been done.

It's not really nitpicking to expect that people who get paid to write for a living should proofread their work before posting. Nitpicking MY sentence structure and spelling would be pedantic, but nitpicking the work of a professional is called "critique". Back in the day, they used to have editors and such. Now,

these people are sick. on the other hand i'm a straight guy and i can't say i've never felt some of those emotions before. feeling like no one attracted to you and people think you're a creep sucks. and asking someone out sucks too because then they have the power because you're the one who likes them. that's why i

Oh man... I gotta re-read The Incal.

He's maturing into a wonderfully terrifying older man

Do you just close your eyes and type? I said RIGHT UP THERE IN THE DAMNED ARTICLE:

You have to understand Stephen Hawking's mind is literally trapped in a body that has betrayed him. Sadly, the only thing he can do is think. The things he's been able to imagine and calculate using the power of his mind alone is mindboggling. However, and this is a very important thing - he is still human.


This is an excellent point. I understand the author's perspective (science=good) and I can respect that over-simplification, but every time someone brings up the labeling issue, she just keeps repeating "why label something that is safe?" which is sort of creeping me out. What the hell? Why is it bad for me to know

A human would "preemptively eliminate potential threats" because our cognition about the future is limited and we're irrationally risk-averse (and simultaneously poor at judging risks.) An artificial superintelligence would only try to eliminate the human threat if and when humans really were a threat, and it's not at