
Every now and then something oddball does manage to sneak in, like The Good Place last year (seriously, a show about dead people who believe they are in Heaven by mistake? It’s surprisingly good though). But what actually happens more frequently is a clump of copycat shows on a related theme, like fairytales (e.g.,

No, definitely not cooler heads in my circles. Just instances where you sit down and talk to both sides, and it becomes obvious that the main problem is everyone’s talking past one another. Plus some hurt feelings that are not centered around what was said, but how it was said (and people not getting that). Or in one

In fairness, I did say *mostly* a red herring. I’m not gonna pretend that there aren’t some kooky queers out there.

The turnabout is definitely true: sometimes trans women get frustrated and lash out with accusations of transphobia when they get rejected. But then I’ve experienced hostility from another cis woman when I didn’t return her interest. And that’s because rejection sucks in general. I’d imagine it sucks much worse when

Sorry, girl, men still exist. There are just more than two genders. Hell, there are more than two sexes.

Show me fucking direct proof of people making up being GNC/NB to get ahead in society. I remind you that there are few states that have non-discrimination protections for gender identity in employment.

It’s cool that you’re so privileged that you think people use the term queer as a way to get ahead in society.

Oof. This is...kind of TERFy and off base. Gender expression and gender identity are two different things.

Oh, boy.

So it is still considered a slur by many older members of the community, but not so much for younger people, though that can vary by region and individual experiences, like anything else.

This isn’t accurate. Queer is absolutely a term used by all manner of people in the LGBTQ community. Politely, your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much. Also, I’m sensing some bi-erasure with your comment about “actual” gay people, and the insinuation that bi people can somehow avoid being the target of slurs.

I’ve seen both older and younger members of the community embrace it as an umbrella term, reclaim it from its use as a slur, or object to its use because it *has* been a slur. I don’t think there’s any consensus.

No. I identify as “queer”.

There’s debate about it. In my experience, younger folks tend to see it as a blanket term that avoids excluding groups and is neater than the alphabet soup acronym. Older folks tend to not want it to be used as a blanket term because of its history as a slur. I use LGBTQ to be safe but basically there’s no consensus

Maybe don’t come back to the answer you hear with “I didn’t do anything wrong. No one involved in the situation anything wrong. Why do you think I did something wrong?”

Yes, being famous and having opinions on race means that you are open to any and all white people for explanatory purposes! You’re so right!

You are so clearly uninterested in having any kind of discussion. Like, you’re obviously just here to be angry about POC for having opinions and for not being nice enough to white people. But again, I’ve already conceded. You don’t need my opinion because you’ve figured out everything already! Please continue!

Cho’s comment about feeling like a servant following her around makes more sense when you put it in those terms.

Many people of color engage in these discussions strategically hoping to change someone’s mind or offer some elucidation. I engage in these conversations all the time (right now being an example). I’m not offended for her. I’ve gone out of my way to say I’m not condemning anyone and that I’m just describing things as

You are right. There’s no writing about this on the Internet at all. There’s literally nothing else she could’ve done to understand what was going on. She simply had to summon a person of color to act as a soundboard for her own thoughts.