Cash bail is one of the few tools we have to keep our victims safe.
Cash bail is one of the few tools we have to keep our victims safe.
“She always takes different routes coming here because she thinks he’s following her, and apparently that day he was able to follow her.”
This is as terrifying as it is heartbreaking. And people have been so smugly wondering aloud during #metoo why women don’t walk away or “just leave” when the men in their lives do shitty things — much of it is because we hear of stories like this and are terrified that the allegedly “nice” guy can snap and quickly…
“libtard” is one of those disgusting slurs that instantly causes me to stop giving a damn about whatever point a person is trying to make. Do you actually hate mentally disabled people, or are you a 16 year old trying to be edgy? Try to elevate the discussion a bit, you might find it more satisfying.
People keep seeing ‘they’re trying to stop her abortion’. And thats all well and good...but its not the biggest issue.
but... but.. God spoke to him... SMFH.
I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,…
Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It…
Rest assured, things would be better than they are now. We’d have the same problems we did under Obama, and boy we all wish we could go back to then.
Yes, it would have been better.
I will flip my fucking lid if tomorrow’s mainstream media goes all in with the “Last night we saw Donald Trump become Presidential” or similar nonsense because he didn’t start ranting about Hillary or scream “NO COLLUSION” repeatedly or even not throwing his shit at the cameras like an ill-tempered baboon.
I desperately want someone to heckle him and for him to have a complete freaking meltdown over it.
Good on all of them. I won’t be watching it either, although I’ll probably tune into the 538 live-tweet of it just in case he does something super crazy.
As I understand it, the woman would have to carry a living fetus to term even if there’s no chance the fetus will live beyond birth.
Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed.
I hope this shit gets smashed over and over and over again. The school’s attempt to sanitize the situation and turn it into some optimistic bullshit is disgusting. Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed. Fuck…
Because I hate my job and will literally read anything regardless of how much I dont care. :/
God, who really gives this much of a flying fuck? Either she has a baby bump, or she doesnt. Its really not that important. Move along.
They’re closing our local store. I am surprised by how bummed out by this I am. I know it’s “just” a store, but I love taking my kids there. And the Target and Walmart toy sections don’t even begin to have as much selection.
This sucks!