
with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

we have the guests. we have all the best guests. people are saying that.

I’m in the same boat. And I’m old enough to remember what it was like before Obamacare. When I graduated college me and all my friends lost our insurance. Back then you couldn’t stay on your parents’ and none of us could afford our own insurance. Either we didn’t make enough money at our service industry jobs or we

Unfortunately, these payments weren’t adequately described in the law. Obama made them through executive order, because there was no way to get the fix through congress. Trump is now just rescinding that order.

We didn’t lose this election because of Trump voters. We lost this election because of liberals who spent an unbelievable amount of time and energy convincing other liberals not to vote or to vote 3rd party. But you can’t blame them. Sure, we have a spiteful toddler running the country and untold numbers of people are

Look I’m going to need to know the race, age and economic background of the people involved before I make a judgement call, ok?

Well if I/my mistress/etc didn’t have one, it would have ruined my/her/etc life, so that makes it different. /s

So, so much worse.

“My abortion is the only moral abortion,” said every anti-abortion person who gets an abortion anyway ever.

I’m sad I’ll never hear Tom Petty sing live again. But I am really sorry that Tom Petty the grandfather didn’t get to hang out with his granddaughter like he wanted to once off the road. That sucks.

Thoughts and prayers are cheap, in fact they are free, and they have never been know to cost U.S. politicians votes. Mention of gun control on the other hand, is the white kiss of death.

Yes, those players knelt in prayer, and yes they were praying for unity and justice for all, but most of them are black, so it’s important to Trump supporters to boo them. Because they’re black.

I loved it when I was 16. Looking back, however...

Still always baffled over people (especially non-white people) who watched Sex and the City.

Now playing

Or the mind-blowing brilliance of “Yomma kippee yabo, said erayfa kabo in da Latin he quoth: You, Jay, soffa saray!!!”

Now playing

All she’s known for!?! Ahem. Excuse me. Perhaps you’re not acquainted with a little movie called MANNEQUIN??

Wendy Williams is herpes made sentient. A cockroach with extensions and a boob job. The reason the Devil is REAL.

NOOOOOOOO!!! Enough! Sabrina doesn’t need to be gritty! It was a fun lighted-hearted show and I LOVED IT. Can no one create an original idea anymore!?

That’s what I’m saying. I live in California, where there is a drought. I can’t in good conscience wash towels every day or do laundry every day. As long as my towels smell okay, they go back on the towel rack. I don’t care if the towel I just used was used by my boyfriend a couple of days ago. The only time I don’t