
I agree that it is morally okay to punch a Nazi. To me that is obvious. The question is does it help actually fight white supremacy? I think that’s the real question.


I would genuinely sooner suck on ice than use Halo for an ice cream replacement.

I long for those halcyon days when his inability to pronounce nuclear was our greatest national embarrassment.

How much do you want to bet that most of those commenters claim they hate Muslims because of their treatment of women?

Hasn’t she read a letter from a kid before? Is that a thing now?

After Miller’s show concluded, Sarah Sanders read a letter from a 10-year-old boy who wrote to offer to mow the White House Lawn.

The xenophobic spokeszombie Stephen Miller followed up with 40 minutes of lies, anecdotes, absence of any statistics, and pure derision towards the far better-informed press corps (who were equipped with facts).

Sorry, all broadcast television shows are beyond trash and terrible. It’s just the same tired jokes, white actors, and sexist stereotypes over and over and over again.

In that case, they could have fired Kevin James and replaced him with Leah Rimini

This. It’s like saying “We’re giving everyone free cake!” without mentioning that it’s covered in feces.

Can someone explain the appeal of Kevin James? I do not find him funny at all. Like Adam Sandler level of not funny.

His fans think their kids could go to college if only black kids weren’t taking their spots.

 If anything they should support affirmative action since it’s their go-to excuse for not achieving greatness in a country that gives them so many advantages that a college educated black person earns about the same as a white highschool graduate.

I would think this was a dog whistle for his fans, but come on, his fans don’t go to college! They think edumacation is for libtards. And librul professors are ruining our youth.

Clegg elaborated, with a hollow and incendiary talking point, “The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

I know this is weird, but I don’t think his mom is ruining him either by going with it, tbh. My brother is an adult, but mentally a lot younger. He told me he doesn’t like racist or sexist people but “Donald Trump sure does make a lot of funny faces and I like those.” Explaining to him exactly why I was so scared of a

Somewhat unrelated, but we are now getting to the age where younger people don’t remember 9/11, and I’m finding it so weird. September 11th literally changed the direction of my entire life (I’m 31), and when just-out-of-college co-workers look at me like I’m a dinosaur when I say I was in Iraq, I can’t get my head

Putting it out September 8th is pretty gross.

The only people who want this live in places in the US that terrorists would never consider attacking.