
PROFESSIONAL BLACK JACK...is not what Esfandiari plays.


Yep. That letter basically boiled down to, “These students are adults in the eyes of the law. They can figure some stuff out on their own.”

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

That’s almost as bad as when players 53, 1, 80, and 08 did a group handstand.


Fuck his paperwork ... His “nothing happened” form doesn't need any names.

He consented because he knew they would have beat the crap out of him if he did not.

In my day, you young whippersnappers, we had a word for people like that: busybodies.

bullshit - concerned citizens that have no clue and blindly call in cause more harm than good these days. People have even died because of “concerned citizens” calling in and giving the police the wrong information - ever hear of the black man who was murdered in South Carolina? Yeah - he had an accident and needed

no it isn’t ... for some reason there are a lot of people here that don’t truly understand what it means to have rights.

“it seems the family were coming home from shopping, and startled some good samaritan enough to phone the cops when they put their child in the back row seating of their Tesla Model S.”

Hey if you’ve done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide, why not let cops search your car, your house and your bank account? It’s a slipperly slope. Once you give up one right, they will take away the rest.

Then change the law, if any, to protect your privacy. They need to keep their nose out of my business if I did nothing wrong. Capitulating simply encourages them.

Oh I am aware what it’s for. Doesn’t mean you have give it to him so your name ends up in their call records.

I see you did nothing illegal at all. Do you have any ID I can see?

Kind of bothered me that they asked to see his ID after it was obvious they had no reason to be at his residence.

As a prosecutor who sees loads of very young girls getting duped by gross old men into sending naked pictures, which will haunt them for their lives, over and over again, I don’t get this being up in arms thing. Maybe you don’t choose to use it, and that’s fine. But having a feature available isn’t necessarily a bad

Is the main issue with the banner that you have to see them while passing by? Because they don’t advocate rape. They advocate sex. And this blog often has posts (http://jezebel.com/your-boyfriend…) which are designed for women to sexualize men and discuss all the things they’d like to do to an attractive man they

Not last year, but recently. Still, I don’t know how well or for how long I could keep it together if that happened to one of my kids.