Stupid yes. Inbred racist redneck asholes...only when you get to the far northern burbs northern Lake and McHenry know IL packer country
Stupid yes. Inbred racist redneck asholes...only when you get to the far northern burbs northern Lake and McHenry know IL packer country
Cruds are one of the only good things to ever come from Wisconsin. the other is New Glarus Beer
Nah, he claims that he had sex. I doubt that has ever happened.
To be fair, the vast majority of oldschool mom and pop bookstores where shit run by racist assholes. B&N and Borders where a godsend for those of us that didn’t want o read westerns or romance novels. The not getting treated like criminals if we picked up a book was just icing on the cake.
I won’t shed a tear for B&N…
Ohhh look everybody we found a basement dweller.
Remember folks, don’t donate stuff donate money. Stuff creates a logistical nightmare, money allows the locals to source what they actually need and helps kickstart economic recovery.
Hey no reason to argue. the Knicks are objectively garbage with or without Melo. Melo is a bad player that makes his team worse with or without the Knicks.
recovering bears fan here. The Trestman, I survived Wannstedt, I survived Juran, and old bad Dika. Pace finally broke me. No Cutler wasn’t any good, he was also the Best QB the Bears have ever had. To cut him and spend more on Glennon and then draft Trubansky...well I’m out, didn’t watch a single game last year. It…
I used to work with those finance bros. they typical had a three martini + lunch and where fully drunk by early afternoon. The idiot traders on the floor at CBT are the worst. coke up to start the morning, then alcohol the rest of the day.
That may be true, Dux is also a scumbag and blatant liar...
The fact that sports writers consider TO to have “bad character” and love ray lewis (murderer) and Marvin Harrison (murder) tells you all you need to know about sports writers.
The third foul was questionable at best, probably shouldn’t have been called. the first two where cleary violations of the new rule. defenders, stop lowering your head, stop trying for the knock out and actually wrap up and tackle. learn some damn fundamentals.
well he’s white.
I have been saying this for months. At some point Elon started believing his fanbois and thinking that he is actually a genius and not just a rich guy. he has fully jumped the shark
Chicago does not have strict gun laws, they haven’t had strict gun laws in over a decade.
Remember folks. in Illinois it is legal to conceal carry, so even if he was armed why the hell did the police approach him
and the nightmarish copy protection. My battle of britain code wheel was eaten y my dog. I had to learn HEX to crack my own game.
Had a resistant infection years ago so they gave me Cipro. Discovered that I am allergic..
well its been modified at least. Hispanic used to be white.
Have you traveled much out of america? It doesn’t seem like it.