
those rural areas...no one lives there, and the farms are mostly corporate owned.

He is also talking about execution for misdemeanors. I am sure he has or will speed at some point in his life, we should shoot him now

You do realize that most of the food for the nation comes from Illinois, Minnesota and California. the red states add almost nothing to the nation.

California alone produces 50% of all of the food in the US. New York would keep eating, North Dakota would be looking at starvation as well as lack of money. 

No need to uproot anyone. if you want to live in a first world nation, leave Jubusland otherwise, good luck.

The Renault turned when a car was only a second away at most. that was the cause of the accident, regardless of the corvettes speed

you are not so good at current events are you. Russia has been capitalist for 20+ years. Sure it’s crony capitalism, but that is exactly what Trump wants.

Your moron friend turned in front of traffic. it doesn’t matter that the traffic was speeding. you turn in front of oncoming traffic the accident is your fault.

watching the video, it doesn’t look like the unlicensed driver was at fault. the unbucled moron tried to slowly cut accress oncoming traffic.

and this is why Illinois is better than Ohio. in Illinois it’s illegal to be passed on the right, if someone passes you to the right (even if you are in the middle lane) you can be ticketed

The presidency...yup they got that.

that’s what the clintonistas want. It’s her cult dammnit why don’t we fall in line.

so you are an obseesive asshate that dosn’t understand that national socialism was an explicitly right wing marriage of business and government. a capitalistic response to marxism.

Whats the usecase outside of the west coast? In the midwest and northeast summers are too damn hot and humid to use them and winters are far far too cold. In the south west you will melt in the summer, in the south east, its more humid so you will boil. So for most of the country this is only going ot be an option for

They should start with Trumps wife

So how much does Putain pay per post comrade?

The trade makes the dead cap space property of the Raiders not the Jets.

The piles of cinderblocks its knocking down don’t look like they are built to code. I wonder how it would fair v an actual building

defibrillator wouldn’t have helped her son.

nope you are wrong. CPR to restart the heart, if its restarable. CPR doesn’t always work. an AED is useless for starting a stopped heart.

Depends on where you are. in texas you are Mexican, in florida you are Cuban