just guessing here, you and your wife dont set out to change each other , instead it comes from an internal desire to better yourself.
that’s the key, if you say, wow i need to make my SO change X behavior then you have a broken relationship. accept your SO as they are, if they change than wonderful, if they dont than…
Yup, toxic people are toxic it’s not the pot making them toxic. your relationship won’t get magicly better by forcing them to change.
OK Baby Boom era women. Or perhaps Elderly Women would be a prefered term for you
She has known him for 40 years and has always been an apologist. He has been a scumbag that entire time.
league with bad football based on a gimmick (no politics this time) sounds exactly like the last league
actually look at the 162 game average and the pre steroid numbers. Sammy and Bonds have very similar stats, Bonds walked more, sammy was a better base runner. The big difference is post steroid sammy struck out a lot more.
McGuire and Sosa saved baseball. after the 94 strike no one cared about baseball anymore. attendance was way down, ratings where in the tank. People were starting to talk about the Big two sports instead of the big three (what once was the big four...poor hockey). Those two single handedly got people talking about…
But they are on par with Bonds. Cartoon characters that hit dingers. I wasn’t commenting on Thome, he deserves to be in.
From the best everyone can tell Thome is clean and not an asshole. If they let Bonds in they will have a much harder time keeping out Sammy and Big Mac.
So no you don’t know any veterans, you are mostly just talking out of your ass. I mean we were all pretty sure of that, but it’s nice to have confirmation.
so the views from vets are mixed 50% like the care 50% fell it should be better. 87% fell that it should stay as a governmental services and not privatized.
Have you talked to many. Every vet I know (quite a few, used ot contract for the Navy) prefers the VA to private hospitals. on par with a top notch HMO at least. honestly haven’t heard anything bad about the service or quality of care.
No, it’s more efficient, every real world example of national health care works. nice try though.
you are so right, and there is an easy solution to this problem. get rid of insurance and jump on the british model of nationalized health care. So glad you are championing truly socialized healthcare. One way or another you will be subsidizing other people’s access to health care, may as well do it in the most…
The claim that he jammed his hand is just part of the coverup. The truth is, he hasn’t been drinking enough water and that hand got sunburned...
Kraus is actually an android from the future...
nah they are right, anything south of i74 is the south in Il as well.
yes, but that large group of people are also obvious racists.
I vegalu remember people betting on the bud bowl....am i nuts, or did this happen??