
Bad bad idea. go the other route. get the dudes sloppy drunk, keep everyone else sober. That way the predators are easy to identify and easier to get away from. Do you really want a sober predator around inhibited pray...

Man, the only sport I’d be interested in watching doesn’t even make the cut at FLOsports....that’s just pathetic.

We use one inherited china cabinet to display warhammer 40k and other miniatures (the whole thing was wired up to light every shelf so you can show off your china)...very fancy.

the smaller less fancy one stores our china.

my plan was burn it down for insurance money. Dad “collects” old radios and old oscilloscopes, stepmom is a shopaholic. the house is crammed with junk. Then my sister has started making noise about wanting the inherit the house....

Good luck on donating the Piano. We ended up “inheriting” an upright. when we moved to a new state, we didn’t want to take it with. Leaving a town of 150k people, with three other towns of similar size within an hours drive, each town having multiple universities. No one wanted it, we tried grade schools, churches,

So you are an asshole and a luddite. got it

Actually my eyes are to the point that from my couch ot the wall I can’t read the guide on a 42'’ TV, I had ot walk over to the TV to see it. The new 60'’ I see fine, and I can make out facial features on actors and what not...it’s a whole new world. (my vision is correctable to 20/35 with glasses.)

My sister in law attempted that with us. My wife had told all of her siblings that we wanted nothing from her parents house when they died. 3 years later, my sister in law showed up with boxes and boxes of knick knacks and crap (a lot of 50 year old little kids books, in no shape to donate ratty doll cloths,

How has the media not turned on Pace yet. The guy is craptacualr GM.

Meh the tyranid will be stopped when the armies of the Squats and Zotes coming screaming back into the universe.

hey fencers represent :)

Not sure why Bears fans are complaining, best case scenario he’s out at the three and the bears fail to get a field goal giving the packers about the same field position. worst case he’s out at the three, and trubisky tosses a pick 6. The challenge just saved them some time to look good v prevent defense later.

Remember the same “braintrust” that felt Glennon was a better option then keeping a cheaper Cutler or signing Kaepernick is the crew that feels Trubisky can be an NFL QB.

As a Bears fan I was upset but not surprised then the Bears didn’t bring in Kaep. He would have been perfect for Trubisky to learn behind...but that would have taken an intelligent GM. Instead the Bears have a moronic Wunderkid GM. My guess is it will take three years before the entire front office gets blown up again

Unfortunately it looks like she, and the DNC is preparing to give her another run...

is anyone shocked that clinton and her cronies continue to try and gaslight voters. its how she works, it’s how her organization works. Dishonest to its core.

A male feminist is the extreme version of a “nice guy” if i have to tell you that I’m a nice guy, I’m not. If a guy tells you he’s a feminist (especially without prompting) he’s probably a predator besides, as a guy I seriously doubt I could be a feminist even if i wanted to be. (POC, feminism big push seem ot be for

The issue is in both cases the person in a position of privilege silencing the voices they are supposedly allied with.

Any guy who loudly and openly declares his “feminism” drowning out the voices of women, is a scum bag, and probably abusive. There are men that are allies they show it with actions not words.

Three is often worse than two. it typically gets better around 25.