Watching the election ads in the rust belt. All of Trumps ads were positive (he let PACs do the negative ads) about how he was going to help YOU. they where lies sure, but they were also positive and inclusive.
Watching the election ads in the rust belt. All of Trumps ads were positive (he let PACs do the negative ads) about how he was going to help YOU. they where lies sure, but they were also positive and inclusive.
because democrats are too busy funneling money into the pockets of party leaders.
Its not that only lies work. Its tha only the liars have bothered to offer them anything.
yup Just like hillary was the most keep saying words, that doesn’t make them true.
Man a tug isn’t cheating that’s just gamesmanship. Paying an opponent to throw the game, or bringing in a ringer is cheating.
How about, fuck off cheater
Right, because she was so inspiring that staffers in the DNC risked their jobs and her shot at an election to rig the primary for her..
well your points 1, all of 2 and 3. I could give you more evidence but you would dismiss it all out of hand. you already stated having read the emails where DWS and the DNC where actively colluding with Hillary’s campaign and that they were not evidence for you. This is why you and folks like you are actively part of…
Your rebuttal is base insanity. You dismiss all evidence out of hand as unreliable then accuse others of your logical fallacies.
It wouldn’t matter. Unless your queen steps forward and states “yes I did this” you would dismiss any source as biased or unreliable. That’s how high authoritarians like you work. Your leader is infallible anything or anyone that questions your leader is the enemy and not to be trusted.
Hey folks The cultist gets upset when they are called out as a cultist. then projects their myopic view of the world onto others..wasn’t that boringly predictable.
Well part of the issue is the unbelievably racist stance of the DNC that a category called Latinos exists and that they are a monolithic group. Mexicans are not Puerto Ricans are not Cubans are not Ecuadorians(my ancestry) there are no “Latino” issues. Sure Guatemalans and Mexicans care about the wall crap fest and…
Yup, here is the Clinton cultist. No evidence will ever be good enough for you, all of her actions will be forgiven regardless of how egregious
And they will decied it. Trumps crew gets to hand pick 300+ electors, how do you think they are going ot decide?
I disagree, economically his message was positive. “make america great again” Ill bring the factories back” these are lies, but also positive messages. Hillary offered the same group “sorry, you are fucked”
Is there proof, yes there are some explicit emails, and there are interviews with DNC insiders before the primaries talking about them clearing the deck for her.
Hey I was quoteing Clinton, take you’re pendantica grammer nazining to them not me.
Hey you know how the democrats could have stopped rush from interfering via the DNC email not acting like a bunch of crooks adn by not rigging their primaries.
Well DWS ran the DNC and she actively worked with Hillary’s campaign before adn during the primaries to make sure Hillary was nominated.
Goes to the Heart of the problem with Clinton doesn’t it. Not one Mea culpa. Not one , “i’m sorry for letting you down”. everything is our fault, nothing is hers.