
Not mad that trump one, or at least not any more, that anger happened months ago. trump won as soon as Hillary was nominated, she never had a chance of winning.

She was never going to win in the rust belt, ever. and without wins there she could not win the presidency. She never had a path to victory, she was a less

The third way dems took over in the 90s led by the Clintons. From that point forward we have had two parties of wall street.

they also lost to voters who voted for hope instead of fear. same reason the democrats lost....you would think there is a lesson here.

Then we are destined to lose repeatedly. Even if you get rid of the electoral college you will have abandoned the house and senate. those will permanently be in the hands of the conservatives. 

Not any more. We are still in the era of the neoliberals. the democratic party is now about social justice if you are rich and screw the poor

you naild it.

after Fox is shitcanned I’d love to see Saben in Chicago. He can’t be any worse than most bears coaches.

The solution is UBI. or economic collapse. My guess is the second will be the defacto choice of this country.

Or you know, they could keep reopen plants in the US. that would be another way to avoid the tariff.

beside all of america, the one person I truly feel bad for post election is John Mccain. Hes gotta be looking at the vote numbers relizing that had the DNC just been a little more competent at rigging a primary back in 2008 he would have been president.

Yup and the voters punished him for it. trump underperformed Romney in almost every demographic in almost every state. He got far fewer total votes than romney.

Sure the blatantly racist stuff is bad. adn ending ACA will be a mistake. On the other hand some of the economic stuff is better then anything Hillary would have offered. Shitcanning the TPP is a good thing. Rewriting NAFTA or shitcanning it is a good thing. giving an economic advantage to US factories instead of a

there is only one person that should hold the blame for this loss. Hillary clinton.

Seriously, you want her to screw up again. the lady is a two time loser its time for her to go away

So fuck Jill Stein (less then 15 of the vote) fuck Johnson (pulled more conservatives then liberals by far, kept Trumps numbers down) but lets praise the person who is actually at fault. the person who is such a bad candidate that they lost to The donald.

your feelings are wrong.

This is a sad day for progressives. we are stuck with a choice between a conservative and a fascist Umpa Lumpa.

Trump would be far worse, But let’s not forget that Hillary is going ot be very very bad for the middle class.

Generally speaking your championship gear take is accurate. But its wrong for this specific case. Cubs gear from this world series can be worn for exactly 108 years.

Right, that would involve his supporters to get off the couch and do something, risk something for their ideals. If they didn’t do that in 2008 there is no reason to believe that they will do it now. they are lazy cowards. A charismatic ideologue may get them motivated. the Umpalump running for office doesn’t have

There may be some isolated violence, but his supporters are far too lazy and cowardly for it ot be widespread or impactful. It would also be the death of the republican party.