
Whats truly upsetting is its the damn medical professionals that caused the opioid epidemic to begin with. handing out Oxcy and other opioids like candy for any perceived pain. the over prescription of “safe” “non addictive” oxcy lead to this problem.

you gotta be talking far north. round lake waukegan area and what not. those burbs have never been good. there is no new drug problem there, it’s just a ongoing multi generational issue.

Yea as soon as the guy said heroin shooting, in broad daylight I figured south Suburb. Heroin isn’t an urban drug, so that leaves out south side and wet side. its also more of a redneck drug then a upscale one so that leaves out the northern/northwest burbs. My gut on this one is Joliet....this seems like a joliet

Yea I know where you are coming from. I look very Latino, so I hear the go back ot mexico crap all the time. My family fought in the French and Indian wars as well as the revolution.

Yes, but one can also be Muslim and american. This lady is the one demanding that “others” leave america, when she is no more (or less) american than the women she attacked.

It’s not just trump. It seems that generations of trying to choose the lesser evil has gotten us to a point where all choices are horrific. Sure trump is slightly worse than Clinton, but her high water mark seem to be “no worse than Bush part 2". and the third party options are clowns. Trump may just win because he’s