

I know some people who say things like “that’s retarded” or “he’s retarded.” It’s insensitive and they probably shouldn’t use that term, but I would never go so far as to categorize everyone who says that as something like “a really, really small person.”

I like how you judge others based on the type of insults they use. That’s rich!

Dude. How obvious can you be? If Coldplay died this week, you would have written the same article.

“continuously dehumanizing others”

I hope that wasn’t a trigger word for someone. Imagine if someone felt uncomfortable. The horror!

Oh my word! I am so offended!

Kind of like signs saying people can’t bring concealed firearms into a business. Those can be ignored, right? Why bother to have laws or signs at all. Great point.

Even better.

And if they had a warrant...which they did.

You seem to think soccer requires some skill? How many players do you see “juggling” past defenders? Zero? It’s a muddle for most of the game. The only reason anyone ever scores is when the completely nonathletic goalie either 1. Dives the wrong way 2. Kicks his feet out to the side as if he was diving, but then falls

How would you pay the women on the track team? Or would you just ignore Title IX?

Is someone keeping score?

Don’t forget NPR and “World Music” you loser.

He doesn’t look like a right wing NRA member. But let’s wait until we have the facts.

She was charged with resisting. Here, I will copy and paste for you.

Chicago has really strict gun laws. How’s that working out?

If banjos are outlawed, then only outlaws will have banjos.

Ooops. I didn’t realize you guys just wanted to echo each other. Carry on.

Logic is not your problem.