If you yell into it takes 3 seconds for the echo to return.
If you yell into it takes 3 seconds for the echo to return.
You have a human sized penis, and he apparently had a penis the size of a human.
Also totally true.
I don't know who's the bigger dick, him or... His dick.
This is what I like in a man....Balls that are deep underground and threaten the stability of nearby structure foundations.
When he came, we had sex
It was that exact size.
Anyone who would kill an elephant for 'sport' needs the absolute shit beaten out of them.
"centerfold" "ass" "it sucks". Seriously? Just doesn't match the jaunty open source music. Weird image they're projecting.
Whether it's switching jobs, moving to a new city, or ending a relationship, change can be scary. Sometimes we tell…
If you're honestly moving there (and not to retire), you need to normalize everything by the wage you'll be making locally.
Analyzing countries is just not helpful.
A lot of those 'expert beginners' are folks that are not coming from CS background and have been asked to code as one of many other job functions- and have done a capable job of figuring out the task at hand. It isn't always laziness or lack of curiosity so much as lack of hours in a day.
One thing to beware of while learning ( anything, not just coding ) is becoming an 'Expert Beginner' ( http://www.daedtech.com/how-developers… ). Basically, folks who self teach themselves but don't push the boundaries of what they're learning. I've met a few while working as a developer, and they can be amazingly…
Having read a decent number of programming books at this point, I'd say they generally fall into two categories:
All too often, the creative work we most value, the stuff that brings the greatest meaning and satisfaction to our…
Trello is an awesome project management tool that makes collaboration easy and, dare I say, even fun. But this…
I can't believe this shit.