
songza’s nice.


obvious troll is obvious.

the issue here is the frequency of mishaps at nuclear power plants. it’s pretty low.

I can’t wait till we all realize that if it exists irl, it’ll show up on the internet.

About time they started integrating their chips. Racism has no place in modern society. Separate is not equal.

the sum of collective action at home translates into better corporate decision making at work. it’s people who run businesses, and it’s people who decide how much to fuck the environment.

This is not a study. This is marketing material.

Ratings are not injury rates, do not represent shin splints, and are not generally done after a reasonable interval of testing a shoe.

this is horribly misguided. getting people online isn’t going to fix poverty. the massive shift of money to internet-controllers is going to slow down as we reach 100% internet access. then there will be no difference.

war does happen to suck. you know what also sucks? rising sea levels.

right now, this tool seems to suggest “if you want an off contract phone, buy an off contract phone, otherwise, choose a carrier plan”


I think with the religion-style questions they’re trying to get at the same type of thing that the Marshmallow Test tries to measure ... delayed gratification, for example, and well-handling emotional responses. But they didn’t know how to ask these questions.

no kidding. that was super heavy on the religion

any word on whether there’s a fix forthcoming?

ok, yeah, water becomes more or less accessible. in order to maintain the accessible water supply, there’s a cost - not just a financial cost, money buys the means to an end. The major physical costs are energy and ecosystem disruption, and today, these aren’t exactly renewable resources. Which means we’re facing a

it seems like you don’t know what infinite means. or what water is! it’s *not infinite*. how is it infinite???

so is this your premise?

so we’re taking our lead on domestic policy from the middle east now?