
Where You Are is also fantastic. Strong agree- Moana and Beauty and the Beast are uniformly amazing. Every song is wonderfully written.

Apparently, they sold 30 million of them in 2019 alone. You may not like them, but that’s just, like, your opinion man.

I feel like you haven’t watched a Tom Cruise movie in a while. Nowadays they all start off with him being overconfident (but to a somehow justifiable degree because he won’t make any mistakes, ever, and never cocky because that’s a negative character trait that would show his character as being less than perfect) who

A movie that will shoot in space? This is the natural progression of what I think is an awful development in Cruise’s career- the WAY his movies are shot now overtake the movies themselves. The MI movies have been great, but the last one was more about showing how amazing Tom Cruise is for doing all his stunts than it

“And Musk specifically has made the world a better place by... ?”

I’m honestly amazed at how simplistic some people view the world. “I don’t like Elon Musk’s public persona, so therefore I know everything about him as a private person AND I can say that he’s accomplished literally nothing in his career that any other human being couldn’t have also accomplished. He’s literally

This exemplifies the odd nature of the discussion on topics like this. Are you claiming that Musk isn’t actually all that intelligent, or that he hasn’t actually accomplished anything on his own at any point? I’ll never understand why people rush to these polar opposite binaries. You either think he’s the second

I also really loved the irony of attacking Musk for being a detestable troll in the very same paragraph that the author admitted that this whole blog used to DM him literally just to waste his time.

It’s literally not a threat. It’s a pro consumer move. They’re literally doing it for the benefit of the people you claim they’re threatening. The benefit to netflix is that they get to put out a press release about it looking like they care about their users, but acting like Netflix doesn’t realize that their actions

How does this move help them identify shared accounts and purge those from their user lists?

So cancel. You can literally do so at any time, and now Netflix will even do it for you if you don’t use it for a year.

It’s literally only those of us trapped in the greys who recognize that this is relatively benign, pro consumer move on Netflix’s part. The reactions are astounding to me. The approved comments section seems to be made up solely of those folks who have the mentality that “if a corporation does it it is definitely

The only folks that seem to recognize how absurd the reactions to this announcement are are those of us trapped in the greys. The fact the article and almost all of the comments are treating this like some dickish evil move on Netflix’s part is mind boggling to me. It’s a consumer friendly move that is going to save a

“I imagine this was a pre-Corona plan to unload the unused accounts and create a semi-artificial ‘boost’ in users who resubscribe after realizing they don’t have Netflix anymore. It serves the same purpose now, and also people are far more likely to notice the missing service.”

That was an odd turn. So anyone pointing out that this is likely a marketing gimmick meant to highlight consumer friendly actions is a dweeb, but then you say that this is a marketing effort that is consumer friendly...? Huh? 

What the what? You’re upset that Netflix, a service you think is shitty, is no longer going to charge you money to subscribe to their shitty service? WTF is wrong with the people that comment on this site?

I can’t believe how many comments I had to sift through before I came across someone with the utterly reasonable interpretation of this. Folks are acting like Netflix MUST be doing something dickish here. I’ve seen people saying they’re threatening users, that Netflix is idiotic for not realizing that the users want

When did they allow you to go inactive and not continue paying? I can’t find any evidence of that feature, but I could be missing something. But this applies to accounts that are inactive over the past 12 months, so even if that were true there would still be a large number of accounts paying far more money than the

“So the next time I want to sub for a month I’ll have to type in my address and make a password. OH NO.”

Why on earth are people interpreting this as a threat? It’s a notification so that people can decide if they want to log back into netflix or not. They’re not obligated to cancel people’s accounts to save the user money- they’re literally just going in and saying “these folks seem like they’re not using our service,