
What? No. It’s a paid, voluntary service you have to sign up for and affirmatively authorize. They’re going to get those complaints no matter what, and they will deal with them the way all subscription services have always dealt with them- by telling you to go pound sand (in very polite, customer service speak). No

I’m a little perplexed as to the anger and frustration that the comments to this article are suggesting. This seems like an undeniably positive action on the company’s part. It saves people money at no cost. The benefit to Netflix seems to be in that it’s great PR for them, but I’m not going to begrudge a company for

Oh really? The article makes it sound like it’s paid subscribers (it says it’s giving people notice so that they can keep their accounts “active” if they want to). A quick google search also says the only way to “pause” or “lay dormant” your account is to cancel it- I don’t see any “keep your account status but you

If the fans were so enamored with TLJ then why did the sequel make $40 million less on opening weekend? Normally when fans love a movie they’re clamoring all over themselves to see the next one. I don’t agree with the claim that TLJ was universally reviled, but to argue that it was widely loved by fans who were

Agreed. I didn’t think TLJ was particularly good, but I cannot for the life of me understand the people who say “there was nowhere for that story to go at the end of the movie!!!” It clearly laid the foundation for an episode 9 to build off of. “Snoke is dead! There’s no villain anymore!” Ummm, Kylo? They literally

Master Skywalker, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force. Without the Jedi, we won’t stand a chance against him.” may just be the worst single line and delivery of a line in any of the Star Wars movie. And yes, I’m including any and all references to sand in that

Wholeheartedly disagree. I really like almost all of the bombshell developments included in season 8- I’m looking forward to seeing how Martin gets the characters to the same place. But the way the show actually accomplished those things was just absurdly bad. Pretending like people criticize the show just because

Season 6 was where it became incredibly obvious to me that the showrunners were in way over their head now that they were past the books. I felt like Season 6 was so rushed that it would only have worked if it turned out that it was just setting up the pieces for an excellent final two seasons. When season 7 was much

Guys, I found Zack Snyder’s io9 account.

I feel like I’m taking that purple and gold dress test all over again, except this time I’m the one who doesn’t see the correct colors. I’ve watched that scene a dozen times to try and understand what’s wrong with his mustache and I honestly cannot figure out what people are talking about. Everyone I’ve talked to who

You realize they’re not just cutting Snyder a check, right? Like, the people that you’re worried about getting furloughed are literally the people that will be hired to work on this project. They’re spending the money on a project, not hoarding it under their mattresses.

Between Episode 7 and Episode 9 the global box office literally fell by more than half. Exploring why a franchise’s ability to actually create engagement with the fans fell off of a cliff in such a short time is an interesting subject. People dislike every movie. Most movie franchises that see their fanbase literally

TROS was 1.001 billion. Which, yes, that’s a lot of money, but it made less than Joker and Captain Marvel. Star Wars used to be THE box office phenomena. It was reasonable to expect a main story Star Wars movie to do Avengers level box office numbers. The ST started off with a demonstration of just how powerful the

In all fairness, virtually every other writer at io9 has made it clear they thought TROS was pretty horrific. James is the only one who pushes back on that, and I think that because of that fact he has dug his heels in and constantly goes out of his way to publish articles that act like everything in the ST is some

I don’t really see why. New Zealand is STILL making bank on Lord of the Rings themed tourist attractions. There are tons of instances of popular shows having cultural staying power long after their run on tv ends. Before the last season or two (or, IMHO, the last 3 seasons), GOT seemed poised to be potentially the

That headline had virtually nothing to do with the article. 

Why are you pissed off at him for answering a question? Like you said, he literally didn’t say anything that everyone else didn’t already know. Getting upset because he essentially said “it is true that Deadpool 3 still has no release date” is baffling to me.

I’m also a little confused as to what the story is here. “Fans Outraged At Being Reminded That Deadpool 3 Doesn’t Have a Release Date”? He’s saying that he hasn’t seen any action on deadpool 3 (which nobody else has either), that Marvel owns the property now (which they do), and that if they wanted to rush it out and

Then don’t go to the shops. But to say businesses can’t try and take proactive steps to keep from going under at all is just ludicrous. Diamond isn’t grabbing people off the street and dragging them in to comic book stores at gunpoint. He’s trying to take actions to keep his business from going belly up, and it’s up

You kid, but I found that the last one spent so much time shouting “LOOK! IT’S REALLY TOM CRUISE DOING THESE CRAZY STUNTS!” at the audience that the movie itself suffered. I’m honestly hoping they focus more on making the action set pieces entertaining and thrilling than they do on proving to the world how amazing Tom